Výsledky vyhľadávania
Cat sa snaží vyhnúť láske, ako sa len dá. Po nečakanom sexe so svojím spolubývajúcim si objedná zájazd autobusom do mesta lásky. S novými priateľkami, ktoré zažívajú rôzne životné peripetie, spoznáva romantické uličky a okúzľujúce kaviarne Paríža. Každá…
V knihe najvýznamnejšieho investičného poradcu 20. storočia dozviete, ako sa ako investor, maklér alebo investičný poradca vyhnete závažným chybám a aké dlhodobo úspešné stratégie uplatniť pri investovaní. Nadčasové a stále platné prístupy Grahamovej…
Krásne a moderne spracovaný atlas húb pozostáva zo 100 základných druhov, ktoré sa dajú nájsť v našich lesoch, na lúkach alebo v parkoch. Kniha je ideálnou pomôckou pre každého hubára a milovníka prechádzok v prírode. Je plná nádherných fotografií a…
Ak ste vyrastali s emocionálne nezrelým, nedostupným alebo sebeckým rodičom, môžete mať v sebe pretrvávajúce pocity hnevu, osamelosti, zrady alebo opustenia. Môžete na svoje detstvo spomínať ako na čas, keď vaše emocionálne potreby neboli naplnené, keď…
Kniha je pútavým sprievodcom maľovania pomocou akvarelových farieb. Nájdete v nej praktické informácie od základných ťahov štetcom cez miešanie a vrstvenie farieb až po maľovanie umeleckých diel. Vďaka nej sa zorientujete v základných pomôckach aj možnostiach,…
Ako sa z Freuda stal FREUD je príbeh mladého Sigmunda a jeho životného osudu, ktorý ho priviedol k titulu otec psychoanalýzy. Adam Phillips, popredný odborník venujúci sa Freudovmu životu, sa zameral na doteraz nezdokumentovaný život mladého chlapca…
Obrazový atlas akupunktury představuje nový druh manuálu. Systematickým a jasným způsobem vysvětluje pomocí ilustrací celou řadu akupunkturních bodů a hlavních drah, mimořádných drah Ren Mai a Du Mai, jakož i extrabodů. Každý ze 409 bodů je objasněn…
??Millie used to play by the rules... until meeting a Wilder!?? Cowboy romance Opposites attract Bad Boy-Good Girl Spicy times in the libraryA brand new, sweet and spicy cowboy romance by NYT bestseller Maisey Yates!
'You must betray or be betrayed. That is the way of the world, daegam.'A devastating and pulse-pounding historical romance that will feel all-too-relevant in today's world, based on a true story from Korean history || An INSTANT New York Times Bestseller…
'Fascinating' TOM HOLLAND | 'A delight from start to finish' MIRANDA SAWYER'A novel and fascinating perspective on world history' BILL BRYSON'By turns surprising, funny, bleak, ridiculous, or all four of those at once' GIDEON DEFOEPeople have been drawing…
The incredible first memoir by System Of A Down frontman Serj TankianWith nearly 40 million record sales, three albums topping the Billboard charts, a Grammy win and a legion of fans, System Of A Down are one of the biggest metal bands on the planet.…
This is Atomic Habits for your mental health-a data-driven, practical, step-by-step plan for developing the 7 essential traits of emotional strength necessary to face all of life's challenges and become the best leader, entrepreneur, and human you can…
'A riveting tale of three generations, this is storytelling at its finest' JOHN BOYNE'Utterly absorbing, a big, sweeping story of family and identity' EDEL COFFEY'Why hadn't she said to her daughter I love you beyond reason and none of this matters at…
SAMKIEL AND DIANNA WILL RETURN in the next sizzling, dark romantasy series from Amber V. Nicole.EPIC. SPICY. ADDICTIVE.Embrace the darkness . . . 'If you like romantasy, read this!' RAVEN KENNEDY'A wicked ride from beginning to heart shattering end.…
This BookTok sensation is the third in a slow-burn, epic romantasy series following one woman who must risk everything to save her family - and all of mortalkind! Now with a ✨never-before-seen bonus chapter from Luther's point of view✨!???? The war has…
During the pandemic, Alex Goldie began posting videos online to help people improve their mental health and confidence. Since then, he has helped millions of his followers to improve their lives and overcome the obstacles that hold them back.Now, in…
'An extraordinary, hallucinatory accomplishment' KAREN JOY FOWLER'[A] reminder about what it means to be alive . . .with razor-sharp prose and diction so precise' MORGAN TALTY'Read it and be changed' B. PLADEKSomething terrible has happened. In a mysterious…
'Nemonte's writing is as provocative as it is inspiring' EMMA THOMPSON'One of the most effective leaders for indigenous rights and environmental justice' LAURENE POWELL JOBS'I'm here to tell you my story, which is also the story of my people and the…
The extraordinary, genre-defying debut adult novel by the No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.AT THE AVALLON, REAL POWER COMES TO THOSE WHO WATCH AND LISTEN...High in the Appalachian mountains is a place quite unlike any other.…
Do you feel like we're living in the end times? Does it seem like everything is on fire, and one disaster follows another? Here's a small comfort: you're not the first to feel that way. If there's one thing that people throughout history have agreed…
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable..." - Cesar A. CruzAcross the centuries, art has held up a mirror to humanity's evolving culture and creativity. Ancient civilizations left us mysterious sculptures while Renaissance…
Explore an A-Z of everything you need to know about the masterful movies of Quentin Tarantino, from AK-47 to "Zed's dead, baby" and everything in between. With hundreds of entries covering every facet of Tarantino's work - from inspiration…
Explore an A-Z of everything you need to know about the iconic films of Wes Anderson, from Asteroid City to Steve Zissou and everything in between. With hundreds of entries covering every facet of Anderson's work - from inspiration and influences to…
Make unbelievable illusion cakes that will fool your family and confuse your friends!Featuring 20 hyper-realistic, incredible cakes, go behind the scenes with The Bake King, Ben Cullen, as he reveals the secrets behind his showstopping creations. From…
From New York to Macau and from London to Guadalajara, there is no food more democratic, or currently more coveted, than the sandwich. Part travel inspo and part foodie bible, Cult Sandwiches is the ultimate guide to 100 iconic things-in-bread from around…
'EXCELLENT' - THE TLS'HUGELY IMPRESSIVE' - THE INDEPENDENT'AN ASTONISHINGLY FINE HISTORY' - COUNTRY LIFE'FASCINATING' - DAILY MAILThe history of the world's most successful military alliance, from the wrecked Europe of 1945 to Vladimir Putin's invasion…
Capture the Japanese-meets-Scandi trend with in-depth practical advice on how to use colour, texture, lighting and more, all accompanied by images of gorgeous interiors and inspirational showpiece homes. A fusion of functional Eastern minimalism with…
Timeless, elegant and innovative, Celine sits at the intersection of high fashion and minimal sophistication. Beginning with the origins of the house in 1940s Paris and coming right up to Hedi Slimane's current stewardship, Phoebe Philo's groundbreaking…
Research, innovation and experimentation formed the foundations of fashion futurist Issey Miyake's designs. From his famous Pleats Please range to Steve Jobs's signature black turtleneck and Grace Jones's sculptural looks, Miyake's designs are produced…