Výsledky vyhľadávania

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Design regenerativních kultur
Daniel Christian Wahl

Každá štruktúra a inštitúcia okolo nás potrebuje inováciu, redizajn a transformáciu. Potrebujeme zmeny v oblasti vzdelávania, správy vecí verejných, priemyslu, dopravy, infraštruktúry, energetiky, vodného hospodárstva, poľnohospodárstva a zdravotníctva.…

Dodacia doba
19,80 €
A Year in Story and Song
Lia Leendertz

A Year in Story and Song is a captivating collection of stories and songs that celebrates the seasons. We humans love stories. We love to hear them and to tell them, around fires and by bedsides, and we love to use them to make sense of the world around…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Be a Birder
Hamza Yassin

'He is delight and joy personified' - MARIAN KEYES'Set to become BBC's next David Attenborough' - DAILY MAIL'Brings a little bit of joy to us all' - GUARDIAN Discover the wonderful world of birdwatching with wildlife cameraman Hamza Yassin - winner of…

Dodacia doba
15,95 €
I Can Hear the Cuckoo
Kiran Sidhu

'A beautiful and poetic meditation on loss, nature, and what matters in life.' - Nigel WarburtonFrom the BAFTA award-winning writer of The New Yorker short film, Heart ValleyKiran Sidhu never thought she could leave London, but when her mother passes…

Dodacia doba
15,95 €
Wild Treasures
Hannah Stitfall

Get up close to Cornwall's wildlife with this magical guide to the yearHannah Stitfall is a TV presenter and zoologist, who regularly gets up in the early hours of the morning to try and catch sight of some of Cornwall's best hidden wildlife. She will…

Dodacia doba
24,95 €
The Little Book of Manifesting
Madeleine du Frayne

Do you want to feel empowered and turn your dreams into reality? The universe is prepared to give you what you want. You just need to ask and be willing to take the right steps. The Little Book of Manifesting is the essential guide to get you started.With…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
The Little Book of Tarot
Sara Johnson

For hundreds of years, tarot cards have been used for predicting the future, and a way to cast light on life's big questions and inevitable challenges. However, tarot cards are a powerful tool for self-care and for guidance on what's going on in various…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Vášeň západní mysli
Richard Tarnas

Predstavte si, že vaša pamäť by sa scvrkla na výsek minulosti dlhý jeden mesiac. Nezasiahlo by to základné funkcie vašich rečových, kognitívnych a emočných centier, ale prišli by ste o všetky hlbšie vzťahové väzby a všetky komplexné city a myšlienky,…

Dodacia doba
21,00 €
The Little Book of Dreams
Una L. Tudor

Everyone from the pharaohs to Freud has had something to say about dreams. Used for both prophecy and psychoanalysis, they serve as a doorway to the soul and a window to the subconscious. We are, after all, such stuff as dreams are made on - and as such…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
The Little Book of Serenity
Cheryl Rickman

The Little Book of Serenity is a handy book full of simple practices to help you bring greater calm to your everyday routine. Filled with practical tips and inspiration, Cheryl Rickman encourages reader's to carve out dedicated time to the practice of…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Empire of Ants
Olaf Fritsche, Susanne Foitzik

'Beautifully written and filled with mind-boggling wonders' - Dave Goulson, author of A Sting in the Tale'Thrilling, compellingly readable and paradigm-shattering' - Charles Foster, author of Being a Beast'Both expert and entertaining' - David Barrie,…

Dodacia doba
16,95 €
Klíma: Nový príbeh
Charles Eisenstein

Klimatická zmena a ďalšie globálne výzvy pred nás kladú veľkú úlohu od základov pretvoriť našu civilizáciu a nanovo prerozprávať kultúrny príbeh, ktorý našim životom dáva zmysel a smerovanie. Myšlienkovo provokujúca kniha Charlesa Eisensteina Klíma Nový…

Dodacia doba
14,52 €