Výsledky vyhľadávania
Anyone with a small child knows that patience is not a virtue easily won. In this magically illustrated story the young girl Miyuki, who we first met in the critically acclaimed Time for Bed, Miyuki, anxiously awaits the opening of one sleepy flower.…
Miyuki and her grandfather return in an enchanting intergenerational story enhanced by Seng Soun Ratanavanh’s gorgeous Japanese-inspired illustrations. Miyuki’s curiosity is piqued by her grandfather’s morning meditation routine, and she is eager to…
Publikace se věnuje vybraným příkladům konverzí industriálních objektů či celých areálů, které byly proměněny pro potřeby kulturních institucí. Na čtyřech desítkách ukázek je představena situace v České republice a v Evropě s důrazem na Norsko a Island.…
Kniha se tematicky zaměřuje na tvorbu Adolfa Loose v širších souvislostech, jež vedou až k současnému architektonickému dění. Jednotliví autoři a autorky mezinárodního kolektivu se soustředili jak na jeho ideje a tvorbu, tak na příklady přímých i méně…
Publikace doprovázející stejnojmennou výstavu (Praha, Bratislava, Starý Smokovec; 2018) představuje současnou architektonickou tvorbu v horské krajině v České republice a na Slovensku. Průvodce obsahuje výběr 50 současných realizací (horské chaty a hotely,…
Publikace shrnuje tvorbu Jiřího Havrana, původem českého fotografa žijícího od roku 1974 v Norsku. Jiří Havran se v Norsku etabloval jako jeden z nejúspěšnějších fotografů architektury. Kniha vyšla k výstavě uspořádané v pražské Galerii Jaroslava Fragnera…
Our 2007 hit Natural Architecture introduced artists and architects who transform the act of building into a fascinating new art form. Built from humble elements-branches, twigs, straw, bamboo-and fulfilling a wide variety of intentions-sometimes structural,…
This is a book of quotations by graphic designers. One quotation per page- the quote on the left and right side of the spread will in some way respond to each other.
This is a book of quotations by and about filmmakers and filmmaking. One quotation per page- the quote on the left and right side of the spread will in some way respond to each other. The Filmmaker Says will resemble a dinner party, with filmmakers talkin
What's more fun or magical than digging in the dirt, planting and watering seeds, discovering the first seedlings of the season, and finally eating your own fruits and vegetables? Lovingly illustrated by Olivia Cosneau, this book is a colorful introduction…
Conceived around the directive commonly given to students, this is the first major English-language book to concentrate on Futura, using the foundational typeface to open up an alternate history of modern graphic design.
Vincent van Gogh: Meet the Artist! takes young readers of all ages on a colourful, interactive journey through the work of this revered Dutch painter. Three-dimensional pop-ups, removable artwork, flaps and tabs, and art activity suggestions and materials…
Renowned natural dyer, artist, and educator Sasha Duerr envisions a new age of fresh, modern color palettes, drawing from our original source of inspiration and ingredients-the natural world around us. This innovative plant-based color-guide includes…
Elegant and magnificent, conservatories reveal fascinating social, cultural, botanical, and engineering advances as they have evolved across history. First appearing in the eighteenth century as simple structures designed to protect fruit trees and other…