Autor Travis Elborough
Preskúmajte miesta, ktoré sa stratili v čase. Vydajte sa na cestu po opustených miestach sveta. K tajomným spiacim monumentom roztrúseným po našej planéte, ktoré boli odsunuté na okraj dejín, vytratili sa z máp aj z nášho zorného poľa. Travis Elborough…
It is perhaps the eighth wonder of our world that despite modern mapping and satellite photography our planet continues to surprise us. Hidden lairs beneath layers of rock, forgotten cities rising out of deserted lands and even mankind's own feats of…
In Travis Elborough's expertly curated collection of diaries, letters and journals, the great and the good rub shoulders with the obscure, the unsung and the everyday to bring us a unique top down and bottom up history of Britain during the twentieth…
Being a Writer is an inspiring assemblage of wit, wisdom and hard-won practical advice from some of the world's greatest authors musing on the art of writing and how they came to define themselves as writers.
A wonderful compendium of the strangest places on the planet, accompanied by unique and beautiful maps.
In 45 beautiful, unique maps and with evocative photography, Atlas of the Unexpected is a journey to far-off lands, obscure discoveries and unimaginable locations.
Maps offer us a chance to see not just how our world looks today, and how it once looked. But what about the places that have vanished from modern atlases? With beautiful maps and stunning photography, Travis Elborough takes you on a voyage to all corners
Atlas miznúcich miest je vzrušujúcou expedíciou, ktorá odhaľuje stratené, zabudnuté a ohrozené miesta nášho sveta. Mapy nám predstavujú svet taký, aký je teraz aj aký bol v minulosti. Čo však miesta, ktoré už nemožno zmapovať? Mestá zaviate prachom,…
Atlas neuveriteľných miest je cestou na tie najfantastickejšie a najčudnejšie miesta sveta. Možno je ôsmym divom sveta, že aj napriek moderným mapám a satelitnej fotografii nás naša planéta neprestáva prekvapovať. Brlohy skryté pod vrstvami horniny,…