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Darth Paper Strikes Back
Tom Angleberger

Darth Vader is the most popular "Star Wars" character, their 'Mickey Mouse' according to Lucas. This title includes instructions for making your own origami Darth Vader.

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Secret of the Fortune Wookiee
Tom Angleberger

With Dwight attending Tippett Academy this semester, the kids of McQuarrie are on their own, no Yoda to help them navigate the treacherous waters of school. Then Sara gets a gift from Dwight; a cootie catcher (fortune teller) in the form of Chewbacca.…

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
Strange Case of Origami Yoda
Tom Angleberger

Tommy and his classmates narrate this middle grade mystery, each recounting an episode in which they received wise advice from a finger puppet of Yoda, perpetually worn on the finger of their classmate, Dwight, a loser who can't get anything right. Is…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Podivuhodný případ origami Yody
Tom Angleberger

Dwight dělá spoustu výstředností, jako třeba že celý měsíc chodí v jednom tričku nebo po všech lidech chce, aby mu říkali kapitán Dwight. Je to trapné, zvlášť pro Tommyho, který s ním každý den sedí u oběda.Jenže Dwight umí i jednu skvělou věc. Skládá…

Dodacia doba
3,19 €