Autor Tim Moore
'Bill Bryson on two wheels' IndependentScaling a new peak of rash over-ambition, Tim Moore tackles the 9,000km route of the old Iron Curtain on a tiny-wheeled, two-geared East German shopping bike. Asking for trouble and getting it, he sets off from…
'Bill Bryson on two wheels' IndependentScaling a new peak of rash over-ambition, Tim Moore tackles the 9,000km route of the old Iron Curtain on a tiny-wheeled, two-geared East German shopping bike.
Self-confessed loafter Tim Moore, seduced by the speed and glamour of the biggest annual sporting event in the world, sets out to cycle the course of the Tour de France. All 3,630km of it.
Box obsahuje následující tituly: Tim Lebbon: Vetřelec - Probuzení Píše se rok 2159 – třicet sedm let poté, co statečná důstojnice nákladní lodi Nostromo svedla svůj vítězný boj s vetřelcem. Ellen Ripleyová stále v hibernačním spánku pluje hlubokým vesmírem……