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The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking,…
A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart.
A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation.
A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. Solutions has been thoroughly modernized with 80% new content to draw…
A five-level general English course for 14-19 year-olds, who are also preparing for the school-leaving exam.
Jazyková úroveň:BeginnerPopis:Učebnice, metodická příručka pro učitele, pracovní sešit (jen pro 2. Díl), kazeta nebo cd (britská angličtina), kazeta (americká angličtina, pouze pro 1. Díl), sada pro učitele (plakáty a obrázkové karty), dále je možné…
Jazyková úroveň: Beginner Classbook, Učebnice Popis variant: Učebnice, metodická příručka pro učitele, pracovní sešit (jen pro 2. Díl), kazeta nebo cd (britská angličtina), kazeta (americká angličtina, pouze pro 1. Díl), sada pro učitele (plakáty a obrázkové…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking,…
With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed. The Solutions…
With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed. The Solutions…
With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed. The Solutions…
Audio CD k novému 3. vydání oblíbené učebnice Maturita Solutions
Učebnice v české verzi v novém 3. vydání Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate.
The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking,…
So stopercentne novým obsahom ponúka tretia edícia Solutions, najpredávanejšieho kurzu pre stredné školy od Oxfordu, odskúšanú a dôveryhodnú metodológiu, ktorá spolu s čerstvým a rozmanitým materiálom vyvolá záujem študentov a dovedie ich k úspechu.…
The Solutions Workbook is the perfect partner to the Student's Book, and helps consolidate the material taught in class. It contains further lesson-by-lesson practice for students to complete in their own time, as well as reference material for those…
zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka - přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hodina, probírá a procvičuje maturitní témata - GET…
Zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka. Přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hodina probírá a procvičuje maturitní témata - GET READY…
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure,…
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks, combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom. It all makes for effective teaching…
Solution je 5-dielna učebnica angličtiny pre študentov stredných škôl, ktorí chcú zvládnuť bežnú angličtinu a zároveň sa pripraviť na maturitnú skúšku. V učebnici sú obsiahnuté všetky maturitné témy a typy testovacích úloh. Súčasťou pracovného zošita…
Nové vydanie 5-úrovňovej učebnice angličtiny pre stredné školy s vylepšením obľúbených prvkov: prehľadná štruktúra - podpora zameraná na budovanie komunikačných zručností - príprava na maturitnú skúšku. Učebnica Solutions dáva študentovi jazykové prostriedky…
Učitelská příručka k novému vydání oblíbené učebnice Maturita Solutions