Autor ?

Art Nouveau 2: Muenchen, Wien, Praha
Thomas Hauffe

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
Art Nouveau Glasgow, Amsterdam, New York
Thomas Hauffe

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
Art Nouveau - Paris, Bruxelles, Barcelona
Thomas Hauffe

Art Nouveau developed a new, international style in architecture and handicrafts from the 1880s onward, which sought to replace the forms of historicism with plant ornamentation and functional construction. This comprehensive reform of the arts produced…

Dodacia doba
39,90 €
Art Nouveau - München, Wien, Praha
Thomas Hauffe

Between 1890 and the beginning of the First World War, a new international style developed in architecture and design. Following the example of the English Arts and Crafts movement, the representatives of Art Nouveau turned against the eclectic excesses…

Dodacia doba
39,90 €
Art Nouveau - Glasgow, Amsterdam, New York
Thomas Hauffe

Art Nouveau developed in very different forms between the 1880s and the First World War, starting in Western Europe. Organic lines and plant forms, building in iron, glass, and concrete, as well as the idea of the “Gesamtkunstwerk” (Complete work of…

Dodacia doba
29,95 €
Thomas Hauffe

Dějiny designu od biedermeieru až po postmodernu, nejvýznamnější designéři z celého světa, různé teorie a styly slovem i obrazem: secese, bauhaus, art déco, funkcionalismus, postmoderna, průmyslový design, firemní image, plakáty, architektura.

Dodacia doba
9,92 €