Autor Thomas Curran
Proč se dnes stále mluví o tom, že syndromem vyhoření a depresí trpí rekordní počty lidí? Podle Thomase Currana za tím stojí tlak společnosti na to, abychom chtěli víc – abychom byli perfektní. Mezi příčiny současného stavu podle něj patří například…
ONE OF BLOOMBERG'S BEST BOOKS OF 2023'Thomas Curran is the world's leading expert on perfectionism, and he's written the definitive book on why it's rising, how it wreaks havoc on our lives, and what we can do to stop it. If you've ever found yourself…
When did 'good enough' become the same as 'perfect'? Why does society increasingly promote ideals that are completely unrealistic? And what does it mean for all of us that perfectionism is on the rise?In The Perfection Trap, you'll discover what's really…