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Rozkošne vtipná, fantasticky vynaliezavá zbierka dvadsiatich nedávno objavených poviedok sira Terryho Pratchetta. Zoznámte sa s Ogom, prvým jaskynným človekom, ktorý spolu s objavom ohňa odhalí aj pozitíva a negatíva pokroku; prejdite si ministerstvo…
Z plochozemského mora sa vynoril veterník a odrazu je jasné, odkiaľ vietor fúka. Na hladinu sa vyplavila nová pevnina a s ňou aj staré spory. Proti sebe pochodujú dve armády a hlavný veliteľ Samuel Mrak z ankh-morporskej mestskej stráže má len pár hodín…
V Ankh-Morporku sa vraždí! Čo by zas nebolo až také nezvyčajné... Ibaže nič nenasvedčuje tomu, že by mal v neobvyklých násilných smrtiach prsty obvyklý Cech vrahov. A to nie je všetko. Chýba aj akýkoľvek motív a jediná stopa, ktorú hlavný veliteľ Mrak…
Koniec sveta sa nezadržateľne blíži. Zhromažďujú sa armády dobra a zla, z hlbín sa dvíha Atlantída, z neba padajú žaby, naplno horia vášne. Zdá sa, že všetko ide presne podľa Božieho plánu. Démon Crowley a anjel Azirafal už dlho žijú na zemi medzi smrteľníkmi…
Mestská stráž rozširuje svoje rady! Pozitívnu diskrimináciu predsa nemožno brať na ľahkú váhu. A tak zatiaľ čo kapitán Mrak ráta posledné dni do svojej svadby a odchodu zo služby, kaprál Mrkva a jeho tím zaúčajú nováčikov - trpaslíka Cvika, trolla Detritusa…
Volajú ich hradná stráž, mestská stráž alebo jednoducho stráž. Bez ohľadu na meno je ich úloha v žánri hrdinskej fantasy rovnaká: najneskôr v tretej-štvrtej kapitole knihy sa vrútiť do miestnosti, po jednom sa vrhnúť na hlavného hrdinu a dať sa zabiť.…
A brilliant collection of short stories and short form fiction from the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, one of the world's best-loved authors. 'Clever, neatly constructed and funny … Pratchett is one of the great comic writers and storytellers of our time'…
Three fantastical and funny tales of mischief, monsters and magic!Meet the most boring knight in the whole kingdom!Find out how to defeat an invasion of dragons!Witness a magical wizarding feud!With full-colour illustrations, this book is perfect for…
It has been a massive task getting this lot together over time and space... Truces have been called and weapons have been sheathed so that you can piece together 140 of the greatest Discworld characters, gathered for the first time in Paul Kidby's iconic…
‘Terry Pratchett will remain an enduring, endearing presence in comic literature’ Guardian The Discworld is very much like our own – if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant…
'Cracking dialogue, compelling illogic and unchained whimsy . . .' Sunday TimesThe Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that…
Kdysi dávno, v dobách, kdy ještě žili draci a neexistovaly jiné videohry než černobílý ping-pong, vešel ve městě Morporku do začouzeného lokálu čaroděj… Vydejte se ve sbírce dvaceti povídek sira Terryho Pratchetta do světa dobrodružství, zábavných absurdit…
All three instalments of the amazing Bromeliad trilogy available again in one very special edition.To the thousands of tiny nomes living under the floorboards of a large department Store, there is no Outside. No Day or Night, no Sun or Rain. They're…
'Has the energy of The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the inventiveness of Alice in Wonderland' Sunday TimesThe Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand…
THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERA truly unmissable, beautifully illustrated collection of unearthed stories from the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, creator of the phenomenally successful Discworld series. ‘A treasure trove glistening with lost gems’…
Eighth book of the original and best CITY WATCH series, now reinterpreted in BBC's The Watch'Snuff is entertaining, with all Pratchett's genius on display' Sunday ExpressThe Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet…
Třicátá kniha ze série Úžasná Zeměplocha v limitované edici.
Třicátá první kniha ze série Úžasná Zeměplocha v limitované edici.
Dvacátá devátá kniha ze série Úžasná Zeměplocha v limitované edici.
Již patnáctá dvojkniha z Úžasné Zeměplochy. Zalasná pošta Vlahoš von Rosret je podvodník a padělatel a muž, který stojí před životní volbou - buď se může dát pověsit, nebo postavit na nohy zhroucený ankh-morporský poštovní systém. Těžké rozhodování.…
Pratchett's perceptive and laugh-out-loud Discworld series is a literary phenomenon. And in The Last Hero, one aging hero with a grudge decides enough is enough. Beautifully illustrated throughout by Paul Kidby.A brand-new paperback edition of The Last…
'One of the best expressions of his unstoppable flow of comic invention' The TimesThe Discworld is very much like our own – if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle,…
‘As bright and shiny as a newly minted coin; clever, engaging and laugh-out-loud funny’ The TimesThe Discworld is very much like our own – if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a…
A beautiful new hardback edition of the classic Discworld novel.Time is a resource. Everyone knows it has to be managed.And on Discworld that is the job of the Monks of History, who store it and pump it from the places where it's wasted (like underwater…
A brand new edition of a Terry Pratchett classic - set in Victorian London, and starring cunning but kind Dodger, as he sets off on a whirlwind adventure through the city streetsTHE SEWER IS DODGER'S WORLD . . .He hunts treasure there - coins and jewels…
'Anything you do in the past changes the future. The tiniest little actions have huge consequences. You might tread on an ant now and it might entirely prevent someone from being born in the future.'The Discworld's most inept wizard has found himself…
This is a story about sex and drugs and Music With Rocks In. Well... out of three ain't bad.Being sixteen is always difficult, even more so when there's a Death in the family. After all, it's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white…
Far away and long ago, when dragons still existed and the only arcade game was ping-pong in black and white, a wizard cautiously entered a smoky tavern in the evil, ancient, foggy city of Morpork...A truly unmissable, beautifully illustrated collection…
Smrť si na Plochozemi skôr či neskôr príde po každého. Tentoraz kostlivec v čiernom plášti a s kosou v ruke prichádza za Mortom. A to s ponukou, ktorú tento nepraktický mládenec nemôže odmietnuť (doslova). Mort sa má stať Smrťovým učňom a na prvý pohľad…