Autor ?
V podivnom domčeku v korunách stromov žijú traja roboti a človek. Victor Lawson je mladý vynálezca, ktorý sa snaží kráčať v stopách svojho adoptívneho otca, robotického majstra – vynálezcu Gia. Spolu s nimi býva v domčeku úzkostlivý vysávač Rambo a ironická…
Keď Ox dosiahne vek dvanásť rokov, jeho otec mu uštedrí cennú lekciu: Ox nestojí za nič a ľudia ho nikdy nepochopia. O štyri roky neskôr sa do susedného domu nasťahuje energická rodina Bennettovcov aj so svojím temným tajomstvom. Ich najmladší syn Joe…
An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family could be yours. 'I loved it. It is like being…
'The sci-fi romance adventure you never knew you needed'Jennifer L. Armentrout, author of Fall of Ruin and Wrath An action-packed supernatural road trip featuring an extraordinary young girl and her two unlikely protectors. The Bones Beneath My Skin…
Magický dům. Utajená minulost. Výzva, která může všechno změnit. Arthur Parnassus vede dobrý život, který si vystavěl z popela toho špatného. Je ředitelem neobvyklého sirotčince na vzdáleném a podivném ostrově a doufá, že se brzy stane adoptivním otcem…
Set in the dreamy backwoods of Oregon, Heartsong is a queer, paranormal romance of burning passion and pack loyalty.This paperback edition of Heartsong includes an additional short story set in the world of Green Creek. All Robbie Fontaine ever wanted…
Set in the dreamy backwoods of Oregon, Brothersong is a queer, paranormal romance of burning passion and pack loyalty, and is the fourth book in the Green Creek series.In the ruins of Caswell, Maine, Carter Bennett glimpsed the truth of what had been…
Set in the dreamy backwoods of Oregon, Ravensong is a queer, paranormal romance of burning passion and pack loyalty. It continues the powerful saga started in Wolfsong. New for paperback: This paperback edition of Ravensong includes two heartfelt short…
A magical house. A secret past. A summons that could change everything. Arthur Parnassus lives a good life built on the ashes of a bad one. He’s the master of a strange orphanage on a distant and peculiar island, and he hopes to soon be the adoptive…
Když se chlapec – nyní muž – z domu na konci cesty vrátí, může Ox ignorovat píseň, která mezi nimi zní? Oxovi bylo dvanáct, když mu jeho tatínek udělil velmi cennou lekci. Prohlásil, že Ox za nic nestojí a lidi ho nikdy nepochopí. Pak odešel. Oxovi bylo…
From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.SPECIAL…
All Robbie Fontaine ever wanted was a place to belong. After the death of his mother, he bounces around from pack to pack, forming temporary bonds to keep from turning feral. It's enough - until he receives a summons from the wolf stronghold in Caswell,…
Vitajte v Cháronovom prievoze! Čaj je tu horúci, koláčiky čerstvé a mŕtvi práve prichádzajú. Keď si zberačka Mei príde vyzdvihnúť Wallacea z jeho vlastného pohrebu, začína mať podozrenie, že by mohol byť mŕtvy. Zoznámi sa však s Hugom, majiteľom zvláštnej…
The explosive finale to the Extraordinaries trilogy by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune. School's out for the summer and a raging heat wave has blanketed Nova City. Still, Nick's life is pretty much perfect, as he finally gets to team up with…
TJ Klune vás zve hluboko do srdce prapodivného lesa a na mimořádnou cestu rodiny poskládané z náhradních dílů. Ve zvláštním, nenápadném domově postaveném ve větvích stromů žijí tři roboti – otcovský vynalézavý android Giovanni Lawson, mile sadistická…
From the bestselling author of The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door, Wolfsong is a story of love, loyalty, and family.Ox Matheson was twelve when his father taught him a lesson: Ox wasn't worth anything and people would never understand…
In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives…
Gordo Livingstone never forgot the lessons carved into his skin. Hardened by the betrayal of a pack who left him behind, he sought solace in the garage in his tiny mountain town, vowing never again to involve himself in the affairs of wolves.It should…
Když si pro Wallace na jeho vlastní pohřeb přijde Smrtka, začne tušit, že je asi přece jenom mrtvý. Jenže Wallace ještě není připravený opustit život, který sotva začal žít. S pomocí převozníka duší Huga začne objevovat věci, které za života propásl……
In Nova City, there are extraordinary people, capable of feats that defy the imagination. Shadow Star protects the city and manipulates darkness, and Pyro Storm is determined to bring the city to its knees using his power over fire. And then there's…
The explosive sequel to The Extraordinaries by USA Today bestselling author TJ Klune. Through bravery, charm, and an alarming amount of enthusiasm, Nick landed himself the superhero boyfriend of his dreams. Now instead of just writing stories about him,…
Linus Baker si pokojne nažíva so svojou mačkou a zbierkou platní. Pracuje ako sociálny pracovník v Oddelení starostlivosti o zázračnú mládež, ktorý monitoruje a hodnotí sirotince pre nezvyčajné deti. Jedného dňa mu pridelia prísne tajnú úlohu. Má ohodnotiť…
Linus Baker si pokojne nažíva so svojou mačkou a zbierkou platní. Pracuje ako sociálny pracovník v Oddelení starostlivosti o zázračnú mládež, ktorý monitoruje a hodnotí sirotince pre nezvyčajné deti. Jedného dňa mu pridelia prísne tajnú úlohu. Má ohodnotiť…
Witty, haunting, and kind, Under the Whispering Door is a gift for troubled times. TJ Klune brings us a warm hug of a story about a man who spent his life at the office - and his afterlife building a home. From the author of joyous New York Times bestseller…
Nick, Seth, Gibby, and Jazz are back in action bringing justice, protection, and disaster energy to the people of Nova City. An unexpected hero returns to Nova City and crash lands into Nick's home, upturning his life, his family, and his understanding…
Magický ostrov. Tajný úkol. Nebezpečné tajemství. Linus Baker vede tichý, osamělý život. Je mu čtyřicet a žije v malinkatém domečku s ďábelskou kočkou a sbírkou starých elpíček. Jako sociální pracovník na oddělení péče o magickou mládež se celé dny stará…
Welcome to Charon's Crossing. The tea is hot, the scones are fresh and the dead are just passing through. When a reaper comes to collect Wallace from his own sparsely-attended funeral, Wallace is outraged. But he begins to suspect she's right, and he…