Autor Steve Jones
Ve své oceněné knize Almost Like a Whale (Téměř jako velryba) prohlásil Steve Jones knihou tisíciletí Původ druhů Charlese Darwina. A narážeje na druhé význačné Darwinovo dílo, Původ člověka, zaměřuje ve své nejnovější knize pozornost na přírodou zanedbávaná…
The Origin of Species is the most famous book in science but its stature tends to obscure the genius of Charles Darwin's other works. The Beagle voyage, too, occupied only five of the fifty years of his career. He spent only five weeks on the Galapagos…
From the Kings Road of the early seventies, through the years of the Sex Pistols, Punk Rock and to his self-imposed exile in New York and Los Angeles where he battled with alcohol, heroin and sex addiction - caught in a cycle of rehab and relapse, this…