Autor Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry

Nik nemiluje búrlivejšie, neháda sa vášnivejšie, netúži dychtivejšie, nesníva odvážnejšie a nepodvádza prefíkanejšie ako grécki bohovia a bohyne. V mnohých ohľadoch sú ešte ľudskejší než my – celé nebesia, zem s božským Olympom, moria aj podsvetie sú…

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online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
19,90 €
18,11 €
Stephen Fry

Pre-order the final book in Stephen Fry's acclaimed internationally bestselling Greek myths series telling the story of The Odyssey - can a hero find his way home?Follow Odysseus after he leaves the fallen city of Troy and takes ten long dramatic years…

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21,95 €
Mýty (ilustrované vydání)
Stephen Fry

Nikdo neumí milovat a nenávidět, toužit a podvádět tak odvážně a rafinovaně jako řečtí bohové a bohyně. Jsou jako my, ale jejich činy a dobrodružství jsou vepsány do nebeské klenby nad našimi hlavami. Stephen Fry, který se do mýtů od zrození vesmíru…

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40,70 €
Mythos Illustrated
Stephen Fry

Pre-order Mythos Illustrated. No one loves and quarrels, desires and deceives as boldly or brilliantly as Greek gods and goddesses. In Stephen Fry's vivid retelling, we gaze in wonder as wise Athena is born from the cracking open of the great head of…

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44,95 €
Stephen Fry

Bohové, příšery, mise Jen málo smrtelníků se pustilo do odvážných a srdceryvných dobrodružství tak stylově a triumfálně jako řečtí hrdinové. Stephen Fry vypráví jejich dramatické, zábavné i tragické a především nadčasové příběhy stejně brilantně a s…

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21,10 €
The Hippopotamus Film Tie-in
Stephen Fry

Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted with a world that undervalues him, Ted seeks a few months repose and free drink at Swafford Hall, the country mansion of his old friend Lord Logan.

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9,95 €
Stephen Fry

The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA…

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18,50 €
Fry Chronicles
Stephen Fry

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12,95 €
Stephen Fry

The story of Troy speaks to all of us - the kidnapping of Helen, a queen celebrated for her beauty, sees the Greeks launch a thousand ships against the city of Troy, to which they will lay siege for ten whole years. It is a terrible war with casualties…

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18,50 €
Moab Is My Washpot
Stephen Fry

A memoir that tells how, sent to a boarding school 200 miles from home at the age of seven, the author survived beatings, misery, love, ecstasy, carnal violation, expulsion, imprisonment, criminal conviction, probation and catastrophe to emerge, at eighte

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12,50 €
The Ode Less Travelled
Stephen Fry

Whether you want to write a Petrarchan sonnet for your lover's birthday, an epithalamion for your sister's wedding or a villanelle excoriating the government's housing policy, this book gives you the tools and the confidence to do so with enjoyable exerci

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11,50 €
Making History
Stephen Fry

Michael Young is a brilliant young history student whose life is changed when he meets Leo Zuckerman, an ageing physicist with a theory that can change worlds.

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12,50 €
The Hippopotamus
Stephen Fry

Ted Wallace is an old, sour, womanising, cantankerous, whisky-sodden beast of a failed poet and drama critic, but he has his faults too.

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11,50 €
The Liar
Stephen Fry

Adrian Healey is magnificently unprepared for the long littleness of life; unprepared for more murders and wholly unprepared for the truth.Stephen Fry's breathtakingly outrageous debut novel, by turns eccentric, shocking, brilliantly comic and aching

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11,50 €
The Stars Tennis Balls
Stephen Fry

So begins a year-long process of torment and hopelessness, which will destroy his very identity, until almost nothing remains of him but this unquenchable desire for revenge.'Whatever Stephen Fry does, he has it - that rare, unlearnable quality.

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12,50 €
Stephen Fry

Staňte sa súčasťou bitky, ktorá trvala dekádu a v pamäti ľudí pretrvala stáročia. Sledujte tisícky gréckych lodí smerujúcich k brehom Tróje, dívajte sa na zúrivú zbesilosť, s akou sa Trója bráni, a cíťte smútky, bolesti, túžby i lásky ľudí aj bohov v…

Dodacia doba
25,90 €
Stephen Fry

'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world . . .' Paris the Trojan has kidnapped Helen, Greek queen and most beautiful woman of the ancient world. A thousand ships give chase and lay siege to Troy. Yet the city stands resolutely against Greek…

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14,95 €
Hrdinové (2x Audio na CD - MP3) - Proslulá dobrodružství a výpravy
Stephen Fry, One Hot Book

Již staří Řekové se zmítali ve víru vášní. A teď je u toho šmíruje britský vtipálek! Když se Prométheovou zásluhou věk bohů Řecku přejedl a prosadili se bájní hrdinové, začalo být u tamního moře dusno. Zhrzený Olymp dělal vlny a bojovníkům škodil proradným…

Dodacia doba
20,59 €
Hrdinovia - Smrteľníci a príšery, výpravy a dobrodružstvá
Stephen Fry

V každej generácii sa raz za čas objaví nové prerozprávanie gréckych mýtov. Je to prirodzené, pretože jazyk sa neustále vyvíja a staršie vydania si už ťažšie nachádzajú čitateľov. Zrejme toto mal autor Stephen Fry na zreteli, keď sa rozhodol prerozprávať…

Dodacia doba
11,90 €
Stephen Fry

Básníci musí ten příběh znovu a znovu opěvovat a předávat jej z generace na generaci, protože přijdeme-li o Tróju, přicházíme tím zároveň o kousek sebe sama. Stephen Fry Únos nejkrásnější ženy na světě, tisíc lodí vyslaných proti jedinému městu, deset…

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19,27 €
Fry´s Ties
Stephen Fry

Every single one of Stephen Fry's ties - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells an intimate tale about a moment in Stephen's life. Inspired by Stephen's hugely popular Instagram posts, this…

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21,94 €
Stephen Fry

Mortals and Monsters. Quests and Adventures . .. ___________There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes.Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful…

Dodacia doba
17,95 €
Stephen Fry

There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes.…

Dodacia doba
14,95 €
Stephen Fry

The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA…

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11,50 €
Political Correctness Gone Mad?
Jordan B. Peterson, Stephen Fry, Michael Eric Dyson, Michelle Goldberg

Has political correctness gone too far?

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10,50 €