Autor Stephanie Garber

Caraval (slovenský jazyk) - Caraval 1.diel
Stephanie Garber

Legendárna súťaž. Očarujúci románik. Nezlomné puto medzi dvoma sestrami. Scarlett Dragna nikdy neopustila malý ostrov, kde so sestrou Tellou žijú so svojím mocným a krutým otcom. Jej otec dohodol svadbu a Scarlett si myslí, že s jej snami o tom, že uvidí…

Dodacia doba
online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
19,90 €
18,11 €
A Curse For True Love
Stephanie Garber

Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after. Evangeline Fox ventured to the Magnificent North in search of her happy ending, and it seems as if she has it. She's married to a handsome prince and lives in a legendary castle. But…

Dodacia doba
online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
13,95 €
Kliatba pravej lásky
Stephanie Garber

Začína sa krvavý boj o šťastný koniec Evangeline Foxová opustila svoju rodnú zem a vybrala sa na Nádherný Sever v nádeji, že nájde svoj šťastný koniec. Vydala sa za krásneho princa a teraz žije na honosnom zámku. No neuvedomuje si, akú veľkú cenu za…

Dodacia doba
online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
15,90 €
14,47 €
Balada o láske až za hrob
Stephanie Garber

Nie každá láska sa môže naplniť Po zrade Princa sŕdc sa Evangeline Foxová zaprisahá, že mu už nikdy nebude dôverovať. Verí, že ku vzkrieseniu šance na šťastný koniec, o ktorú ju Jacks obral, jej dopomôžu vlastné kúzelné schopnosti. No po tom, ako sa…

Dodacia doba
online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
14,90 €
13,56 €
Bolo raz jedno zlomené srdce
Stephanie Garber

Evangeline Foxová odjakživa verila v pravú lásku a šťastné konce... až kým nezistila, že sa láska jej života chystá oženiť s inou. V zúfalej nádeji, že svadbu zastaví a vylieči svoje ranené srdce, uzavrie dohodu s charizmatickým, no podlým Princom sŕdc.…

Dodacia doba
online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
14,90 €
13,56 €
Alchemy of Secrets
Stephanie Garber

Dodacia doba
21,95 €
Bylo nebylo jedno zlomené srdce
Stephanie Garber

Evangelína Ryšavá odjakživa věřila v opravdovou lásku a v pohádkový život šťastně až navěky. Dokud se ovšem jednoho dne nedozvěděla, že se láska jejího života žení s jinou a její sny jsou v troskách. V zoufalé snaze svatbu překazit a vyléčit své zraněné…

Dodacia doba
21,94 €
Stephanie Garber

***BRAND NEW JACKET!***LET'S RETURN TO CARAVAL, WHERE NOTHING IS QUITE WHAT IT SEEMS . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates…

Dodacia doba
32,95 €
Stephanie Garber

***BRAND NEW JACKET!***All games must come to an end . . .The heart-stopping end to the magical Caraval series, where Scarlett and Tella Dragna must fight for their happy endings . . .Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun -…

Dodacia doba
32,95 €
Stephanie Garber

***BRAND NEW JACKET!***LET'S RETURN TO CARAVAL, WHERE NOTHING IS QUITE WHAT IT SEEMS . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates…

Dodacia doba
32,95 €
Return To Caraval Complete Collection Boxed Set
Stephanie Garber

*** BOX SET EDITION OF CARAVAL, LEGENDARY, FINALE AND SPECTACULAR WITH BRAND NEW JACKETS! ***LET'S RETURN TO CARAVAL, WHERE NOTHING IS QUITE WHAT IT SEEMS . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval,…

Dodacia doba
99,00 €
Stephanie Garber

The #1 Sunday Times bestseller is back with a festive winter treat, set in the world of the bestselling Caraval series! With gorgeous interior illustrations by Rosie Fowinkle.Snowflakes are falling.Invitations are arriving. And holiday magic is swirling…

Dodacia doba
18,95 €
Stephanie Garber

FINALE is the "thrilling and surprising conclusion" (ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY) to the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Caraval trilogyIt's been two months since the Fates were freed, since Legend claimed the throne for his own, and since Tella discovered…

Dodacia doba
23,50 €
A Curse For True Love
Stephanie Garber

Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after. Evangeline Fox ventured to the Magnificent North in search of her happy ending, and it seems as if she has it. She's married to a handsome prince and lives in a legendary castle. But…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
The Ballad of Never After
Stephanie Garber

The Ballad of Never After is the fiercely-anticipated sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller Once Upon a Broken Heart, starring Evangeline Fox and the Prince of Hearts on a new journey of magic, mystery, and heartbreak.After Jacks, the Prince of…

Dodacia doba
13,90 €
Stephanie Garber

A heart to protect. A debt to repay. A game to win. The stunning, internationally bestselling sequel to Caraval.After being swept up in the magical world of Caraval, Donatella Dragna has finally escaped her father and saved her sister Scarlett from a…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Finale: Caraval Series Book 3
Stephanie Garber

'Extravagantly imaginative and enchanting . . . Pure magic and escapism' Cecelia Ahern Sunday Times and #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Garber takes us once again to the magical world of Caraval, where Scarlett and Tella Dragna must fight…

Dodacia doba
15,34 €
Caraval (anglicky)
Stephanie Garber

***SPECIAL 5TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION***WELCOME TO CARAVAL, WHERE NOTHING IS QUITE WHAT IT SEEMS . . . Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience partici

Dodacia doba
15,34 €
The Ballad of Never After
Stephanie Garber

The Ballad of Never After is the fiercely-anticipated sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller Once Upon a Broken Heart, starring Evangeline Fox and the Prince of Hearts on a new journey of magic, mystery, and heartbreak. After Jacks, the Prince of…

Dodacia doba
24,69 €
Once Upon A Broken Heart
Stephanie Garber

For as long as she can remember, Evangeline Fox has believed in happily ever after. Until she learns that the love of her life is about to marry another, and her dreams are shattered. Desperate to stop the wedding, and heal her wounded heart, Evangeline…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Once Upon A Broken Heart
Stephanie Garber

Make a wish . . . 'An unputdownable fairy tale' Kerri Maniscalco, New York Times bestselling author of Kingdom of the Wicked From the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of the Caraval series, the first book in a new series about love, curses, and the…

Dodacia doba
24,69 €
Stephanie Garberová

Ak ste o Caravale počuli čokoľvek, nevyrovná sa to skutočnosti. Je to viac ako hra. Je to mágia! Scarlett ho chcela vždy zažiť a tento rok konečne dostala pozvánku. Lenže vzápätí jej sestru Tellu unesie tajomný režisér celého predstavenia. Niet sa čoho…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
Stephanie Garber

Welcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems. Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.Caraval is Magic. Mystery.…

Dodacia doba
13,14 €
Stephanie Garberová

Po tom, čo bola Donatella vtiahnutá do magického sveta Caravalu, sa jej podarilo uniknúť svojmu démonickému otcovi a zachrániť sestru pred dohodnutou svadbou. Teraz by sa mali spoločne radovať, lenže Donatella stále nie je voľná. Dala totiž sľub tajomnému…

Dodacia doba
12,49 €