Autor Slavoj Žižek

Too Late to Awaken
Slavoj Žižek

The most provocative philosopher of our times returns with a rousing and counterintuitive analysis of our global predicamentWe hear all the time that it's five minutes to global doomsday, so now is our last chance to avert disaster. But what if the only…

Dodacia doba
25,95 €
Against the Double Blackmail
Slavoj Žižek

'One of our best-known living philosophers' GuardianHow do we respond to the refugee crisis - by opening our doors, or pulling up the drawbridge? Both solutions, argues Slavoj Žižek, offer ideological blackmail, and both are wrong. He proposes that instead…

Dodacia doba
14,95 €
The Courage of Hopelessness
Slavoj Žižek

In these troubled times, even the most pessimistic diagnosis of our future ends with an uplifting hint that things might not be as bad as all that, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, argues Slavoj Žižek, it is only when we have admitted…

Dodacia doba
21,95 €
The Courage of Hopelessness
Slavoj Žižek

Dodacia doba
14,95 €
Like A Thief In Broad Daylight
Slavoj Zizek

In recent years, techno-scientific progress has started to utterly transform our world - changing it almost beyond recognition. In this extraordinary new book, renowned philosopher Slavoj Zizek turns to look at the brave new world of Big Tech, revealing…

Dodacia doba
21,50 €
Like A Thief In Broad Daylight
Slavoj Žižek

In recent years, techno-scientific progress has started to utterly transform our world - changing it almost beyond recognition. In this extraordinary new book, renowned philosopher Slavoj Zizek turns to look at the brave new world of Big Tech, revealing…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Sex and the Failed Absolute
Slavoj Zizek

In the most rigorous articulation of his philosophical system to date, Slavoj Zizek provides nothing short of a new definition of dialectical materialism. In forging this new materialism, Zizek critiques and challenges not only the work of Alain Badiou,…

Dodacia doba
22,96 €
Hegel in a Wired Brain
Slavoj (Birkbeck Institute for Humanities, University of London, UK; New York University, USA; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Zizek

Dodacia doba
23,95 €
Living in the End Times
Slavoj Žižek

There should no longer be any doubt: global capitalism is fast approaching its terminal crisis. But if the end of capitalism seems to many like the end of the world, how is it possible for Western society to face up to the end times? In a major new analysis…

Dodacia doba
19,95 €
The Sublime Object of Ideology
Slavoj Žižek

Slavoj Zizek, the maverick philosopher, author of over 30 books, acclaimed as the "Elvis of cultural theory", and today's most controversial public intellectual. His work traverses the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history…

Dodacia doba
19,95 €
Lenin 2017: Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through
Slavoj Žižek

Lenin's originality and importance as a revolutionary leader is most often associated with the seizure of power in 1917. But, Zizek argues in his new study and collection of original texts, Lenin's true greatness can be better grasped in the very last…

Dodacia doba
21,94 €
Lacrimae rerum - Kieślowski, Hitchcock, Tarkovskij, Lynch
Slavoj Žižek

V knize Lacrimae rerum slovinský filozof a kulturní teoretik Slavoj Žižek působivě analyzuje filmová díla věhlasných světových režisérů, přičemž se opírá o filozofické teze Lacana, Heideggera, Hegela a některé psychologické teorie. Při detailní analýze…

Dodacia doba
19,20 €
Jednou jako tragédie, podruhé jako fraška aneb Proč musela utopie liberalismu zemřít dvakrát
Slavoj Žizek

Slavoj Žižek je nejnebezpečnější filosof Západu.“ New Republic Socialismus selhal, kapitalismus krachuje – důkazem toho je probíhající ekonomická krize, která zdaleka ještě neskončila a která už možná nikdy neskončí. Co bude následovat? Než si na tuto…

Dodacia doba
5,44 €
Slavoj Žížek

V knížce věnované násilí věhlasný slovinský filozof, psychoanalytik a kulturní kritik Slavoj Žižek komplexně promýšlí a analyzuje tento fenomén ve všech jeho viditelných i neviditelných aspektech a především pátrá po jeho příčinách. V čem tkví podstata…

Dodacia doba
14,80 €
Požadujme nemožné
Slavoj Žižek

Kam jsme došli a jak se máme nyní zachovat? O jaký druh společnosti stojí za to usilovat? Proč je obtížné představit si alternativní společenské a politické uspořádání? Kde máme hledat základ pro naději? Na tyto a mnohé další otázky se Slavoj Žižek snaží…

Dodacia doba
15,90 €