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Three years ago, forensics expert David Hunter abandoned his old life after a tragedy nearly destroyed him. Now working as a doctor in a remote Norfolk village, he believes he's left his past behind.But then they find what’s left of Sally Palmer...The…
At first glance it could have been anything – a stone, a knotted root – until you looked more closely. Thrusting out of the wet earth, its bones visible through rags of flesh, was a decomposing hand...’It was eight years ago that they found the body…
Za odľahlou dedinou Manham v Norfolku sa nájde znetvorená mŕtvola Sally Palmerovej. Doktora Huntera sa udalosť dotkne nielen preto, že mladú ženu osobne poznal - bývalý londýnsky súdny antropológ sa už tri roky snaží zabudnúť na tragickú smrť svojich…
Na odlehlém hebridském ostrově Runa čeká na forenzního antropologa doktora Davida Huntera (známého z titulu Chemie smrti, Knižní klub, 2010) hrůzný objev: z mrtvoly, která byla téměř celá spálena, zbyly pouze nohy a jedna ruka. Instinkty i profesionální…