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Twelve years ago, tragedy struck a sleepy Texas town. Only a small number of those impacted survived—a group the media dubbed The Ones Who Got Away. This is their story.HER SECRET SHAME: The world knows Rebecca Lindt as a survivor, but that impression…
Twelve years ago, tragedy struck a sleepy Texas town. Only a small number of those impacted survived—a group the media dubbed The Ones Who Got Away. This is their story.NEVER ADMIT THE TRUTH: Taryn Landry was there that awful night Long Acre changed…
There were only a few survivors of that one fateful night. Now, twelve years later, the kids once called The Ones Who Got Away are back…and ready to claim the lives they never truly got to live.The goth girl and the popular boy The best friends turned…
Rebecca Lindtová si většinou připadá jako podvodnice... Svět ji obdivuje jako ženu, která přežila tragédii. Ale jakmile by vyšlo najevo, jak to bylo doopravdy, její image by se zhroutila jako domeček z karet. Nezasloužila si přežít, ale minulost už nic…