Project, 4th Edition Level 2 Workbook + CD (SK Edition) + Online Practice – pracovný zošit + CD + kód so vstupom do online platformy. Obsahuje cvičné úlohy a testy ako príprava na Testovanie 9. Žiaci sa oboznámia s typom testov a úloh, ktoré tú predmetom…
All students want to succeed and you want to create great lessons so that they can do so. Both you and your students now have the opportunity to make every lesson successful. SUCCESS. Its all in the name!
Teachers Support Book with Test Master CD-ROM contains a wealth of additional materials for teachers. The book mirrors the Students Book in its organisation and thus is very easy to navigate. The Special Difficulties section in the book provides answers…
Success offers * inspiring and up-to-date topics that are relevant to the age group * activities that help students both understand (Work it Out) and internalise grammar rules (Check it Out) as well as avoid common mistakes (Mind the Trap) * a syllabus…
All students want to succeed. All teachers want to create great lessons. Success gives them the opportunity.
Řada učebnic Wider World je vhodná především pro nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií a 2. stupeň ZŠ. Kombinuje autentická a poutavá videa z produkce BBC a zkušenosti nakladatelství Pearson v oblasti výuky anglického jazyka.