Autor Nick Bilton
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe unbelievable true story of the man who built a billion-dollar online drug empire from his bedroom - and almost got away with it. In 2011, a twenty-six-year-old programmer named Ross Ulbricht launched the ultimate free market:…
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. The unbelievable true story of the man who built a billion-dollar online drug empire from his bedroom--and almost got away with it In 2011, a twenty-six-year-old libertarian programmer named Ross Ulbricht launched the ultimate…
Neuvěřitelný, ale skutečný příběh muže, který vystavěl online drogové impérium v hodnotě miliardy dolarů z ložnice a málem mu to prošlo. V roce 2011 spustil šestadvacetiletý libertarián, vystudovaný fyzik a amatérský programátor Ross Ulbricht dokonale…