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The House of the Seven Gables
Nataniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne's gripping psychological drama concerns the Pyncheon family, a dynasty founded on pious theft, who live for generations under a dead man's curse until their house is finally exorcised by love.

Dodacia doba
9,84 €
The Scarlet Letter
Nataniel Hawthorne

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne takes readers back to the Puritan days of the American colonies, into a society as unforgiving as its harsh New England winters. The story of Hester Prynne, who bears a scarlet "A" upon her breast as a symbol…

Dodacia doba
20,29 €
Šarlátové písmeno
Nataniel Hawthorne

Mladá žena, jej zbabelý milenec a starnúci pomstychtivý manžel - to sú hlavné postavy tejto drámy o konflikte medzi láskou a konvenciami v puritánskej Amerike. Majstrovsky spracované dielo sa stalo námetom na rovnomenný film v hlavnej úlohe s Demi Moore.…

Dodacia doba
3,29 €
The Scarlet Letter
Nataniel Hawthorne

Roger Chillingworth arrives in New England after two years' separation from his wife, Hester Prynne, to find her on trial for adultery. She refuses to reveal her lover and is sentenced to wear a scarlet letter 'A' sewn onto her clothes. Resolving to…

Dodacia doba
14,79 €
The Scarlet Letter
Nataniel Hawthorne

The classic American novel, rejacketed with a new foreword by Tom Perotta and introduction by Hawthorne scholar Robert MilderSet in the harsh Puritan community of 17th century Boston, this is a tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate…

Dodacia doba
13,15 €
The Scarlet Letter
Nataniel Hawthorne

A powerful study of bigotry, persecution, obsession and hypocrisy in early American society, the "Penguin Classics" edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne's. "The Scarlet Letter" contains an introduction by Nina Baym and notes by Thomas E. Connolly. Set in the…

Dodacia doba
14,79 €
The Scarlet Letter: a Romance
Nataniel Hawthorne

This is a dramatic, moving depiction of social defiance and social deference, of passion and human frailty. Set in the harsh Puritan community of seventeenth-century Boston, this tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate birth…

Dodacia doba
23,59 €