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My Big Book of Questions About the World (with all the Answers, too!)
Moira Butterfield

Discover all the answers to 50 big questions about the world in this gorgeous book, perfect for curious young readers. Where do stars go in the daytime? Do animals talk to each other? What are people made of? Questions pop into our heads all the time…

Dodacia doba
14,95 €
City Trails  London 1
Lonely Planet Kids, Moira Butterfield

Here's a book about London that's seriously streetwise. Discover secrets and stories guaranteed to blow your mind, that are definitely off the tourist trail. Find out how an old parrot hit the headlines, where you can purchase a some tasty brain jam,…

Dodacia doba
13,50 €
City Trails  New York 1
Lonely Planet Kids, Moira Butterfield

Here's a book about New York that's seriously streetwise. Discover secrets and stories guaranteed to blow your mind that are definitely off the tourist trail. Find out what's lurking in the pumpkin garden, why you might find cows underground, how eating…

Dodacia doba
13,50 €
How Animals Build
Lonely Planet Kids, Moira Butterfield

This beautifully illustrated hardback explores the incredible world of animal architects. Children can lift the flaps and open gatefolds to discover amazing animal homes up high, underground, on land and under the sea. From spider webs and rabbit warrens,

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
City Trails Rome
Lonely Planet Kids, Moira Butterfield

Here's a book about Rome that's seriously streetwise. Colourful themed trails, from history and culture to food and nature, reveal amazing facts and intriguing tales that kids won't find on the tourist routes. We'll show them where to find Rome's belly…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
City Trails Washington Dc1
Lonely Planet Kids, Moira Butterfield

Here's a book that's seriously streetwise. Colourful themed trails, from history and culture to food and nature, reveal amazing facts and intriguing tales that kids won't find on the tourist routes. We'll show them where to find Henry the giant elephant,…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Welcome to Our World A celebration of children everywhere
Moira Butterfield

Find out how children live all around the world in this beautifully illustrated bookChildren all over the world are very different, but they also have much in common.

Dodacia doba
18,95 €
My Big Book of Questions About the World (with all the Answers, too!)
Moira Butterfield

Discover all the answers to 50 big questions about the world in this gorgeous book, perfect for curious young readers. Where do stars go in the daytime? Do animals talk to each other? What are people made of? Questions pop into our heads all the time…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
Jak zvířátka bydlí
Moira Butterfield

Možná byste nevěřili, jak zdatné stavitele, architekty a designery najdeme všude v přírodě! Odhalte úžasné domovy zvířat ve výškách, pod zemí, na zemi a pod mořem. Propracovaná a bohatě ilustrovaná kniha ukazuje zvířata jako zdatné stavitele svých příbytků.…

Dodacia doba
9,85 €
Kniha o vlajkách - Úžasné příběhy světových vlajek
Moira Butterfieldová

Vlajky jsou všude kolem nás. Každá země má svou, vidíme je vlát na budovách, třepotat se na stěžních lodí, máváme jimi během oslav i při sportovních kláních. Ale víme, co všechno znamenají? Tento fakty nabitý průvodce nás provede celým světem, vlajku…

Dodacia doba
27,45 €
Příručka pro zálesáky a zálesačky
Moira Butterfieldová

Každému, kdo rád tráví čas v přírodě, se příručka v nepromokavém obalu zaručeně šikne. Než vyrazíte na výlet, prozradí, co si sbalit na cestu, a poradí v nesnázích i přímo v terénu. Pohodlně se vejde do batohu, nezmokne a při troše štěstí schová před…

Dodacia doba
10,99 €