Autor Mitch Albom
A moving new novel from the beloved author of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in HeavenWhen the Nazis invade Salonika, Greece, eleven-year-old Nico Crispi is offered a chance to save his family. He is instructed to convince his fellow…
'Moving' Daily Mail'It will stay with you' Independent'Profound' Irish Examiner____________________A moving new novel from the beloved author of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in HeavenWhen the Nazis invade Salonika, Greece, eleven-year-old…
FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER WHOSE BOOKS HAVE TOUCHED THE HEARTS OF OVER 40 MILLION READERS'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecilia Ahern__________Chika Jeune came into Mitch Albom's life by chance. Growing up in the aftermath of the devastating…
A STUNNING 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION OF THE MASTER STORYTELLER'S INSPIRATIONAL CLASSICEddie no longer notices years passing. He spends his eighty-third birthday fixing the rides at the amusement park where he has worked for most of his life. But when…
A third wonderfully moving novel from internationally bestselling author Mitch Albom, whose books have touched the hearts of millions around the world. A compelling exploration of faith and spirituality - always moving, often profound - is the cornerstone…
A special 20th anniversary edition of the beloved international bestseller that changed millions of lives, updated with a new foreword from the author
Chika Jeune was born three days before the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010. She spent her infancy in extreme poverty, and when her mother died giving birth to a baby brother, Chika was brought to the Have Faith Haiti Orphanage that…
The stunning new novel from the bestselling author of global phenomenon Tuesdays with MorrieAdrift in a raft after a terrible shipwreck, ten strangers try to survive while they wait for rescue. After three days, short on water, food and hope, they spot…
THE INSTANT NO.1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe stunning new novel from the bestselling author of global phenomenon Tuesdays with Morrie'Mitch Albom sees the magical in the ordinary' Cecelia Ahern____________Adrift in a raft after a terrible shipwreck,…
The first novel in the Heaven series from the internationally bestselling author, Mitch Albom. THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN is a wonderfully moving fable that addresses the meaning of life, and life after death, in the poignant way that made TUESDAYS…
The new bestseller from the author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie.
THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN addresses the meaning of life, and life after death, in the poignant way that made TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE.An elderly amusement park maintenance worker named Eddie who, while operating a ride called the 'Free Fall', dies…
V knihe Nestrácajte vieru nám Mitch Albom ponúka pôvabný príbeh pozoruhodnej osemročnej cesty medzi dvoma svetmi – dvoma mužmi, dvoma vierami a dvoma spoločenstvami –, ktorý môže byť inšpiráciou pre ľudí v ktoromkoľvek kúte sveta. Nestrácajte vieru,…
V knize Neztrácejte víru nám Mitch Albom nabízí půvabný příběh pozoruhodné osmileté cesty mezi dvěma světy – dvěma muži, dvěma vírami a dvěma společenstvími, který může být inspirací pro lidi v jakékoli části světa. Neztrácejte víru, Albomova druhá kniha…
Co když to koncem nekončí? Jeden z největších bestsellerů poslední doby – bestseller číslo 1 po dobu několika měsíců Jednoho dne v michiganském městečku Coldwater zazvoní telefon. Hlas říká, že volá z nebe. Je to největší zázrak v historii? Nebo nějaký…
Spisovateľ, ktorého knihy Utorky s Morriem a Nestrácajte vieru inšpirovali milióny čitateľov na celom svete, nám predstavuje svoj najnovší román, v ktorom popúšťa uzdu predstavivosti ako nikdy predtým. Strážca času je podmanivý poučný príbeh o prvom…
Od autora Mitcha Alboma, ktorý inšpiroval milióny ľudí po celom svete knihami ako Tuesdays with Morrie (Utorky s Morrie) a The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Päť ľudí, ktorých stretneš v nebi), prichádza jeho najpôsobivejší román The Time Keeper (Strážca…
From number one New York Times bestseller, Mitch Albom, author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays With Morrie, comes his latest inspirational, moving and heart-warming novel.
From the inspirational author of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven comes his most heartfelt novel yet, The Time Keeper - the compelling tale of the first man on earth to count the hours. The man who became Father Time.
Ve své světoznámé knížce Úterky s Morriem, která byla přeložena do více než dvaceti jazyků a stala se předlohou neméně proslulého filmového zpracování, americký spisovatel Mitch Albom vypráví příběh, který skutečně prožil a který zásadně proměnil jeho…
Možno to bol starý otec, učiteľ alebo kolega. Niekto starší, trpezlivejší a múdrejší, kto vás chápal, keď ste boli mladí a hľadali svoju cestu, pomohol vám vidieť svet z iného uhla a radil vám, ako žiť. Pre Mitcha Alboma bol takou osobou Morrie Schwarts,…