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“Well, I doubt you’ll ever see a bigger insect.” Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. ‘Mummy there’s a daddy longlegs in my room!’ Then the screaming starts… Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked…
"Well, I doubt you'll ever see a bigger insect." Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. `Mummy there's a daddy longlegs in my room!' Then the screaming starts... Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when…
„Teda, pochybuju, že kdy uvidíme většího brouka.“ Gabby Nicholsová právě ukládá svého syna do postele, když vtom zaslechne volání dcery. „Maminko, mám v pokoji tatíka dlouhonožku!“ A pak začnou výkřiky… Alan Travers míří domů z hospody a něco mu hrábne…