Autor ?

Mick Wall

Comprising a vivid and varied series of miniature biographies, revealing profiles, thought-provoking essays and a multitude of previously unknown anecdotes and quotes, Hercules!: The A to Z of Elton John is the perfect compendium for the casual fan or…

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17,95 €
Two Riders Were Approaching: The Life & Death of Jimi Hendrix
Mick Wall

Jimmy was a down-at-heel guitarist in New York, relying on his latest lovers to support him while he tried to emulate his hero Bob Dylan. A black guy playing white rock music, he wanted to be all things to all people. But when Jimmy arrived in England…

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15,95 €
Metallica: Enter Night
Mick Wall

Alongside contemporaries Slayer, Megadeath and Anthrax, Metallica came to prominence in the eighties as one of the 'big four' of thrash metal. Metallica were to thrash, though, what the Sex Pistols were to punk. Nearly thirty years on, their tale is…

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21,99 €
Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre
Mick Wall

Think you know how Jim Morrison died? Think you know who wrote all their hits? Think you know why Morrison fled to Paris, never to return?Well now you will with the definitive biography, Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre, of the legendary rock band…

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17,50 €
Last of the Giants
Mick Wall

Many millions of words have already been written about Guns N' Roses, the old line-up, the new line-up. But none of them have ever really gotten to the truth. Which is this: Guns N' Roses has always been a band out of time, the Last of the Giants. They…

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19,95 €
When Giants Walked the Earth
Mick Wall

The final word on the world's greatest rock band, Led Zeppelin, from esteemed rock journalist and author Mick Wall.

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15,95 €
Dark Desert Highway
Mick Wall

'This could be heaven or this could be hell...'So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The Eagles their story was one where the dividing line between ultimate Hollywood highs and subterranean LA lows was blurred beyond recognition,…

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19,95 €
Z lásky vzplane oheň pohřební - Biografie skupiny The Doors
Mick Wall

Jim Morrison umírá v Paříži roku 1971 za ne zcela vyjasněných okolností. Zbývající členové The Doors jsou v šoku. Jsou zdrceni i přesto, že se ještě před touto tragickou událostí stihli s Jimem ve zlém rozejít. Kapela, která začínala jako „američtí Rolling…

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24,75 €
Lemmy - The Definitive Biography
Mick Wall

In 'The Ace of Spades', Motorhead's most famous song, Lemmy, the born-to-lose, live-to-win frontman of the band sang, 'I don't want to live forever'. Yet as he told his friend of 35 years, former PR and biographer Mick Wall, 'Actually, I want to go the…

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38,44 €
Lemmy : The Definitive Biography
Mick Wall

In 'The Ace of Spades', Motorhead's most famous song, Lemmy, the born-to-lose, live-to-win frontman of the band sang, 'I don't want to live forever'. Yet as he told his friend of 35 years, former PR and biographer Mick Wall, 'Actually, I want to go the…

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14,24 €
Příběh Led  Zeppelin - Když po zemi kráčeli obři
Mick Wall

Čtyřicet let poté, co se Led Zeppelin poprvé sešli ve špinavém sklepě v Čínské čtvrti, spatřila světlo světa jejich definitivní biografie. Poslední legenda hudby let šedesátých a první legenda následující dekády vyrostla na nepříliš pevných základech…

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21,94 €
The True Story of Guns N Roses
Mick Wall

A major, definitive biography of Guns N' Roses by the man who was very much a part of what remains the most iconic rock story of the last three decades. 'Last Of the Giants is the mad, funny, dark and often painful story of a lost band from a now-dis

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16,95 €
Vzhůru do noci - Metallica: Biografie
Mick Wall

Metallica znamenala pro zvuk a image heavy metalu osmdesátých let přesně to, co Led Zeppelin pro rock a Sex Pistols pro punk. Ze čtveřice vynálezců thrash metalu – k nimž patří ještě Slayer, Anthrax a Megadeth – to byla vždycky Metallica, kdo stál v…

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21,95 €