Autor Matt Cosgrove
Zažili ste už niekedy TOTÁLNE ŠIALENÝ TÝŽDEŇ? Justin Chase rozhodne áno, a toto je JEHO PRÍBEH! Prežil ponižujúci PONDELOK, výbušný UTOROK, riadne divokú STREDU, a už je tu... ŠTVRTOK! Justinova absolútne nedobrovoľná sláva zabezpečí, že tie najtrápnejšie…
Zažili ste už niekedy TOTÁLNE ŠIALENÝ TÝŽDEŇ? Justin Chase rozhodne áno, a toto je JEHO PRÍBEH! PONDELOK stál za deravú ponožku, UTOROK bol fiasko, a už je tu... STREDA! Jeho kocúr je stále záhadne nezvestný. Nechtiac sa z neho stala medzinárodná internetová…
Zažili ste už niekedy TOTÁLNE ŠIALENÝ TÝŽDEŇ? Justin Chase rozhodne áno, a toto je JEHO PRÍBEH! Mama sa práve vydala za upíra. Oco šoféruje obrovský záchod na kolesách. Kocúra pravdepodobne uniesli mimozemšťania. Najhorší tyran v triede mu robí z jeho…
Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. He’s fallen down a giant hole, he’s plummeted down to the very depths, he’s TRAPPED underground in the darkest, dingiest, most abysmal abyss. Justin Chase is having the…
Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. He’s been naked in front of the whole school, survived a marooning, a kidnapping AND a giant sinkhole, and every one of these cringe inducing moments has gone mega viral!…
Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. He’s dressed up like a clown on national TV, his worst enemy is stealing the limelight, and there's definitely something weird happening with everyone's…
Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. His cat is still missing, he's an unintentional internet sensation, and now he's trapped in a serious S.O.S situation with his unbelievably annoying archenemy! Justin Chase…
Kocúr sa stále nenašiel, zrejme ho uniesli mimozemšťania. Jeho oco je trápnejší než kedykoľvek predtým. Na internete sa stal nečakane virálne známym tým najhorším spôsobom. A keď sa termín školského fotenia prekrýva so Super veľkolepou vedou, všetko…
Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. His cat has been abducted by aliens, his dad is dating his new head teacher, and he's unexpectedly gone viral online in the most embarrassing way. Justin Chase is having…
Could your worst week be funny too? Start Monday with a bang in the hilarious new series taking the world by storm. Justin Chase is having the WORST WEEK EVER! His Mum has just married a vampire. His Dad is driving a giant toilet on wheels. His cat has…