Autor Matt Black
The companion volume to Matt Black’s critically acclaimed American Geography presents a deeper view of his six-year odyssey documenting poverty in the United States of America. During his six-year journey across the United States creating the project…
American Geography is the visual record of Magnum photographer Matt Black's five-year, 100,000-mile road trip across 46 states of the United States, plus Puerto Rico. It examines the conditions of powerlessness, prejudice and pragmatism among America's…
Kdy jste naposledy dostali dárek z pravé lásky? My ho pro vás máme! Dvanáct povídek od nejlepších autorů young adult knih. Do vánočních příběhů plných lásky, přátelství a pohody od Davida Levithana, Stephanie Perkinsové, Jenny Hanové, Rainbow Rowellové,…