Autor Martin Puchner
Načo je dobré umenie? Prečo by nás mala zaujímať minulosť? Ľudstvo sa už tisícročia snaží pochopiť a odovzdať budúcim generáciám nielen „know-how“ života (vedieť ako), ale aj „know-why“ (vedieť prečo) – zmysel a cieľ našej existencie vyjadrený v umení,…
'A writer of genius' - William DalrympleCan anyone really own a culture? This magnificent account argues that the story of global civilisations is one of mixing, sharing, and borrowing. It shows how art forms have crisscrossed continents over centuries…
Can anyone really own a culture? This magnificent account argues that the story of global civilisations is one of mixing, sharing, and borrowing. It shows how art forms have crisscrossed continents over centuries to produce masterpieces. From Nefertiti's…
From clay tablets to the printing press.From the pencil to the internet.From the Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter.This is the true story of literature -- of how great texts and technologies have shaped cultures and civilizations and altered human history.The…
The story of how literature shaped world history, in sixteen acts--from Alexander the Great and the Iliad to Don Quixote and Harry Potter In this groundbreaking book, Martin Puchner leads us on a remarkable journey…
Z nočního stolku rovnou na bojiště. Ne náhodou si Alexandr Veliký pod polštář schovával Iliadu někde se pro svá velikášská tažení inspirovat musel. A kdyby nebylo tiskařské infrastruktury zavedené Benjaminem Franklinem, boj o americkou nezávislost by…