Autor Mark Hodgkinson
'A fantastic and fascinating exploration of the life of a great champion... Full of compelling insight.' - Tom Hiddleston'This book captures the deep complexities in Novak's mind and his life and how he's dealt with them in a thoughtful, soul-searching…
ROGER FEDERER is almost universally recognised as the greatest tennis player of all time; he might also be the greatest athlete. Adored around the world, Federer has become one of sport's most iconic and popular figures. In this innovative graphic biography,…
Who moves fastest around the court?Which tournament awards their champion a silver pear?Are lefties more successful than right-handed players? Which player admits to smashing 70 rackets a year during his career? From detailed portraits of the icons of…
Roger Federer je téměř všeobecně považován za nejlepšího tenistu všech dob, pro někoho je i nejlepším sportovcem. Na základě konverzací s Federerem a exkluzivních rozhovorů s těmi, kteří mají ke Švýcarovi blízko, vypráví Mark Hoddginson příběh o tom,…