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Výtvarná škola Bauhaus sa zrodila v krátkom medzivojnovom období a pôsobila iba štrnásť rokov. Za ten čas sa jej však podarilo úplne premeniť tvár moderny. Priniesla odvážne umelecké vízie a novátorské prepojenie klasického umenia, remesiel a techniky,…
Between two world wars, the Bauhaus School of Art and Design changed the face of modernity. Realized with the Bauhaus-Archiv in Berlin, this updated edition celebrates the school's centennial, gathering 550 illustrations across 400 pages, including archit…
This handy, updated edition explores the Bauhaus School of Art and Design through some 575 illustrations and biographies of its key personalities. Realized in collaboration with the Bauhaus-Archiv in Berlin, the reference work is now available in Biblioth