Autor Adeline Yen Mah

Chinese Cinderella
Adeline Yen Mah

Rebel Voices: Disruptive Stories from Trailblazing Women - a new Puffin Classics collection, celebrating International Women's Day 2023To me, writing was pure pleasure. It thrilled me to be able to escape the horrors of my daily life in such a simple…

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12,50 €
Secret Shared
L. Marie Adeline

Hidden desires are set free in SECRET Shared - the intoxicating, intensely sexy second novel in the internationally bestselling S.E.C.R.E.T series. Cassie Robichaud has come a long way from the invisible, insecure woman she was a year ago.

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9,50 €
PER | Level 4: Falling Leaves Bk/MP3 Pac
Adeline Yen Mah

Contemporary / British EnglishThis book is the life story and family history of Adeline Yen Mah. Adeline was born in China at a time of great change and trouble. At the same time, she suffered terrible unkindness from the members of her own family. Falling…

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14,19 €
S.P.O.L.O.K. 1.diel -Bez predsudkov. Bez zábran. Bez hanby.
L. Marie Adeline

Román, v ktorom sa FANTÁZIA stáva SKUTOČNOSŤOU. Prvá časť výnimočnej, provokatívnej eroticko-romantickej série úspešnej kanadskej autorky píšucej pod pseudonymom. Mladá vdova Cassie Robichaudová žije jednotvárnym a smutným životom. Za veľa nestálo ani…

Dodacia doba
11,90 €
S.P.O.L.O.K. 2.diel - Hriešne tajomstvo
L.M Adeline

ROMANTICKÉ, DOBRODRUŽNÉ A VÁŠŇOU NABITÉ POKRAČOVANIE JEDNEJ Z NAJHORÚCEJŠÍCH EROTICKÝCH SÉRIÍ Cassie Robichaudová sa ešte stále spamätáva zo šoku, ktorý jej spôsobil šéf a milenec Will. Preto ponúkne svoje služby SPOLKU, záhadnej organizácii, ktorá jej…

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12,90 €