Autor Leonard Mlodinow
Fyzik a autor popularizačných kníh Leonard Mlodinow sa so Stephenom Hawkingom zoznámil v roku 2003. Spriatelili sa a spolu napísali bestsellery Ešte stručnejšia históriu času a Veľký plán. Mlodinowova Kniha o priateľstve a fyzike vykresľuje Hawkinga…
Autor knih Feynmanova duha či Život je jen náhoda, spolupracovník Stephena Hawkinga, ve své nové knize zkoumá, jak naše vnímání a prožívání světa ovlivňují nevědomé pochody – jak například často mylně hodnotíme vztahy ve vlastní rodině, vztahy s přáteli…
Vzpomínky významného fyzika na začátky akademické dráhy, kdy se setkal s Richardem Feynmanem.
'Both a brilliant scholar and a great writer, Leonard Mlodinow guides us through the fascinating science of what we feel, and why - and what we can do about it. I learned a lot from this wonderful book' Rick HansonWe've been told we need to master our…
Addresses the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, the history and future of the universe. This book guides nonscientists in the search for the tantalizing secrets at the heart of time and space.
In this fascinating and illuminating work, Leonard Mlodinow guides us through the critical eras and events in the development of science, all of which, he demonstrates, were propelled forward by humankind's collective struggle to know. From the birth…
From the best-selling author of Subliminal and The Drunkard's Walk comes a groundbreaking look at the psychology and neuroscience of change, and at how tapping into elastic thinking will help us thrive in the modern world. Drawing on cutting-edge research,…
An icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the…
You make hundreds of decisions every day, from what to eat for breakfast to how to influence people, and not one of them could be made without the essential component of emotion. It has long been held that thinking and feeling are separate and opposing…
An icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the…
Žijeme ve zvláštním a nádherném světě. Je třeba být obdařen neobyčejnou představivostí, aby člověk dokázal docenit ohromující stáří vesmíru, jeho velikost, bouřlivost a dokonce i krásu. Postavení přisouzené nám lidem je docela bezvýznamné. Musíme se…
Examines how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world, and how, for instance, we often misperceive everything from our relationships with family, friends and business associates, the reasons for our investment decisions, to our own past.
Adventurer Ethan Gage travels through the darkest and most superstitious realms of eighteenth century Europe, to the castles and caves of Bohemia to rescue his family and uncover a mysterious medieval device rumored to foretell the future. Having quick-wittedly…
Autori sú svetovo uznávaní teoretickí fyzici a ich knihy sú aj u nás prekladané a populárne. Táto osvedčená dvojica špičkových svetových popularizátorov pútavým spôsobom nastoľuje najpodstatnejšie otázky našej existencie a miesta človeka vo vesmíre.…