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In TV star Lauren Conrad's delicious, entertaining novel about young Hollywood, the lies are only as sweet as the people telling them.Jane Roberts is a bona fide celebrity – she is treated like a queen, has couture clothes and starlet looks. She also…
In TV star Lauren Conrad's delicious, entertaining novel about young Hollywood, the lies are only as sweet as the people telling them.
You've seen Lauren on TV and on the red carpets; you've seen her lounging at home and striding into fashion meetings; you've seen her dressing for a casual day with friends and working out what to wear for a night out. And she always looks fabulous!…
OMG, Madison Parker is back for the deliciously mean follow up to The Fame Game. The claws are out in the race to become Hollywood’s brightest star… Madison Parker made a name for herself as best frenemy of nice-girl-next-door-turned-reality-celeb Jane…
V závěrečné knize losangeleské trilogie je Jane Robertsová už opravdová celebrita. Po první sezóně v reality show se něčemu přiučila a teď se pokouší obklopovat jen lidmi, o kterých ví, že ji mají rádi pro ni samotnou… Pak se ale objeví Caleb, její kluk…
Život v L. A. je sladký – cool kluby, skvělí kluci, návrháři... prostě všechno. Devatenáctiletá Jane Robertsová a její nejlepší kamarádka Scarlett se nemohou dočkat, až tam začnou bydlet. A když se je jeden televizní producent rozhodne obsadit do své…
Jane Robertsová byla dlouho docela obyčejná holka. Dokud se nepřestěhuje se svou nejlepší kamarádkou do L. A., kde se staly hvězdami reality show. Nakupování, večírky, nový byt, sexy kluci, všechno je náhle k dispozici. Jane se ale brzy přesvědčí, že…
Conrad "offers advice about the basics to make planning any type of event a breeze, including suggestions for ... invitations, food, drinks, decorations, and gifts. [She] shows how to put it all together for a diverse range of events that span the calendar,…
Lifestyle and fashion icon Lauren Conrad, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lauren Conrad Celebrate and Lauren Conrad Beauty, lets fans step into her enviable closet in this must-read guide on finding the perfect style. Filled with an inspiring…
OMG, Madison Parker is back for the deliciously mean follow up to The Fame Game. The claws are out in the race to become Hollywood's brightest star...