Autor Lara Bryan

Ako funguje lietadlo?
Lara Bryan

Názorná kniha pre deti, ktoré fascinujú lietadlá. Obrázkové leporelo s okienkami vám umožní nahliadnuť do vnútra lietadla a na letisko.

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online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň
11,90 €
10,83 €
Peep Inside How a Tractor Works
Lara Bryan

From bringing out hay to sheep in the snow, to harvesting fields of summer wheat - find out all about the jobs tractors do throughout the seasons. Young children will love lifting the flaps to look inside the cab and see the machinery at work. This hands-on…

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12,95 €
Essential English: Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
Lara Bryan

Find out how English really works with the help of some friendly bugs. They know all the spelling, punctuation and grammar tips and tricks for good writing. Brought to life with funny examples and imaginative activities.

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Bears Love Hugs
Lara Bryan

Bears LOVE hugs, but what about all the other animals? Little Bear sets off to find out. Turn the ingeniously shaped pages to make Otter, Mouse and Squirrel leap into their loved ones' arms. Whether it's the start of the day, quiet time or bed time -…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Dinosaurs Love Hugs
Lara Bryan

With their huge long necks, spiky heads and pointy spines how on earth do dinosaurs hug? Tiny T. Rex sets off to find out. Turn the cleverly shaped pages to discover the quirky ways that dinosaurs cuddle.Because just like me and you, dinosaurs love hugs…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Geography for Beginners
Sarah Hull, Minna Lacey, Lara Bryan

The world we live in is complex and constantly changing. It's battered by weather, shaken by earthquakes, and mined, farmed and polluted by humans. This book helps readers understand these processes, make sense of our relationship with the planet, and…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Peep Inside How a Crane Works
Lara Bryan

There's a whole world of cranes to explore on the busy building site - from tall tower cranes, to muddy crawler cranes and nifty truck cranes. Lift the flaps to discover how they work and to help them build a super modern train station.

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Ako funguje žeriav?
Lara Bryan

Fascinujú ťa žeriavy a rozmýšľaš, ako fungujú? Toto obrázkové leporelo ti umožní nahliadnuť do týchto obrovských strojov a na stavbu - stačí odklopiť okienko!

Dodacia doba
11,90 €
Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Money
Lara Bryan

Understanding money today is so much more than learning about notes and coins. Where does money come from? Why do I have to save? What happens if I click BUY NOW? Find answers to important money questions, and some silly ones too in this friendly and…

Dodacia doba
15,95 €
Step inside Science: Your Body
Lara Bryan

Discover how your body works in this brightly illustrated peep-through book. Find out what happens to food after you eat it, discover how and why you breathe, and learn how your growing muscles can lift heavy objects.

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Art  G2:G66Activity Pad
Rosie Hore, Lara Bryan, Sarah Hull, Sam Baer

Young artists will love this entertaining introduction to the world of art, with facts, colouring activities, puzzles and quizzes on every page. Published in association with The National Gallery, London, this tear-off pad features paintings from their…

Dodacia doba
10,50 €
Telling the Time Activity Book
Lara Bryan

Children can become top at telling the time with this fun-filled book, crammed with puzzles and activities, including a practice clock to cut out and make. Learn about hours, minutes and seconds, calendars and timetables, AM and PM, and then try the…

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
Economics for Beginners
Andrew Prentice, Lara Bryan

Nobody has everything they need, all the time - so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright infographics, this informative book describes why markets are so important

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13,50 €
Lift-the-Flap Grammar and Punctuation
Lara Bryan

This fun, engaging book is the perfect introduction to how English works. It's packed with tips and tricks for getting to grips with verbs, pronouns, commas and more - all brought to life by Shaw Nielsen's bright, quirky illustrations.

Dodacia doba
13,50 €
Peep Inside How a Plane Works
Lara Bryan

Follow a plane on a journey around the world in this little book, and peep inside its cockpit, engine and even its wings to find out how it works. With colourful illustrations, flaps to lift and holes to peep through, there's so much to discover in this…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Look Inside Jobs
Lara Bryan

What do grown-ups do all day? Lift the flaps to open up a world of possibilities and discover over 100 things you can be from a nurse to a musician or an astronaut. Includes Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites with activities and fun facts…

Dodacia doba
13,50 €
Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers About Music
Lara Bryan

How do you write a song? Who are the best-selling musicians of all time? Can you play music in space? Perfect for curious kids with a love of music, this book answers all these questions and more. Lift the flaps to discover genres and instruments from…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Peep Inside How a Recycling Truck Works
Lara Bryan

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived! Peep under flaps and through holes to find out how it works, as it zooms around town collecting recycling and taking it to the sorting factory. This hands-on introduction to the topic of recycling is perfect…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Lift-the-Flap Questions and Answers About Feelings
Lara Bryan

Why can't I be happy all the time? What can I do when I feel like exploding? Is it ok to give up? This book is packed full of tips, tools and everyday situations to help kids think about and answer these BIG questions for themselves.

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Peep Inside How a Helicopter Works
Lara Bryan

Peep inside a helicopter cockpit to see how the controls work, then use flaps to help it take off, and find and rescue a hiker from a mountain. Emergency vehicles are a talking point for many young children, and this reassuring story of how a helicopter…

Dodacia doba
11,95 €
Peep Inside How a Rocket Works
Lara Bryan

Peep inside a rocket to see the fuel going in, then help launch it into space. Ingenious flaps show how parts drop away from the rocket as the fuel is used up, and how it clicks into the docking position when it reaches the International Space Station.…

Dodacia doba
11,95 €
Illustrated Stories of Monsters, Ogres and Giants (and a Troll)
Sam Baer, Andy Prentice, Rachel Firth, Lara Bryan, Matthew Oldham

Meet monsters, ogres and giants - plus a very grumpy troll - from all over the world. Ten entertaining stories include a female Jack climbing the beanstalk, a lonely ogre and a brave little tailor whose adventure begins with some annoying flies and a…

Dodacia doba
16,95 €
Psychology for Beginners
Lara Bryan, Rose Hall, Eddie Reynolds

Fully-illustrated and filled with real-world examples, this book explains the basics of psychology, from how people think, feel and behave to how scientists can study and be sure about what is actually going on in other people's brains.

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Peep Inside how a Fire Engine works
Lara Bryan

Nee naw, nee naw! The fire engine is here to save the day. Peep into the cab, roll out the hoses and slide out the ladder to find out how it works. Truck-obsessed toddlers will love all the details to spot, flaps to lift and holes to peep through. An…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Jak funguje hasičské auto?
Lara Bryan

Hó-ří, hó-ří! Vzduchem zní hasičská siréna a hrdinové všedního dne vyrážejí do akce. Mají všechno? Žebřík, hadici, soupravu první pomoci... Nechte děti nakouknout pod okénka, ať zjistí, jak to při takovém hasičském výjezdu funguje. Dojedou s hasiči až…

Dodacia doba
14,25 €
Jak funguje letadlo?
Lara Bryan

Pilotní kabina, motory, zavazadlový prostor, vzletová a přistávací dráha… Letadla a letiště jsou místa, která skrývají rozhodně více než jedno tajemství. Nakoukni, jak se doplňuje palivo a jak technici pečlivě kontrolují přístroje a programy před každým…

Dodacia doba
15,35 €
Jak funguje popelářské auto?
Lara Bryan

Túú, túú, vrzzz a skříííp. Popelářské auto právě přijíždí a vysypává si do korby popelnice ve vaší ulici. A už se to lisuje! Co bude s odpadky dál? Nechte děti nakouknout pod okénka, ať zjistí, jak to celé funguje. Dojedou s popeláři až do třídírny odpadu?…

Dodacia doba
14,25 €