Autor Joshua Ferris

Then We Came to the End
Joshua Ferris

Joshua Ferris' Then We Came To The End - part of the limited edition PENGUIN STREET ART series: timeless writing, enduring design. 'We were fractious and overpaid. Our mornings lacked promise. At least those of us who smoked had something…

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12,50 €
Joshua Ferris

In an America gone awry with strange weather, New York lawyer Tim Farnsworth suffers a peculiar affliction: the inability to stop walking. While his wife, Jane, struggles to keep their family together in the face of the unfathomable, Tim alone must battle

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11,95 €
The Dinner Party and Other Stories
Joshua Ferris

'He reflected in future retrospect on the evening and foretold every gesture, every word. "I can't do it," he said. "I can predict everything that will happen from the moment they arrive to the little kiss on the cheek goodbye and I just…

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
A Calling for Charlie Barnes
Joshua Ferris

Charlie Barnes, sixty-eight years old, reasonable man, small-business owner is facing the abyss and it's time to reckon with how he has lived his life so far. What happened to all those great ideas that were snatched from the jaws of success? And what…

Dodacia doba
18,50 €
Poslání Charlieho Barnese
Joshua Ferris

Poslání Charlieho Barnese je humorným, a přitom hlubokým zamyšlením nad životními hodnotami, rodinnými vztahy a nad tím, jaké zdání o sobě budíme a jak se příběh, který o sobě vyprávíme, shoduje s tím, jaký život skutečně žijeme. Charlie Barnes to rozhodně…

Dodacia doba
20,84 €
A Calling for Charlie Barnes
Joshua Ferris

Charlie Barnes is a mid-century man devoted to his newspaper and his landline. But Charlie is about to get dragged into our troubled age by his storyteller son, who has a different idea of him than he has of himself. Then there are his other children,…

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15,34 €
Pak byl s námi konec
Joshua Ferris

Máte pocit, že vaše firma je jeden velký blázinec a vaši kolegové to nemůžou mít v hlavě v pořádku? Joshua Ferris vás ve své prvotině pomocí svého osobitého humoru s nadhledem přesvědčí, že jste vlastně všichni úplně normální. Jeho román vás zavede do…

Dodacia doba
16,44 €
The Dinner Party
Joshua Ferris

'He reflected in future retrospect on the evening and foretold every gesture, every word. "I can't do it," he said. "I can predict everything that will happen from the moment they arrive to the little kiss on the cheek goodbye and I just can't goddamn…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
To Rise Again at a Decent Hour
Joshua Ferris

Paul O'Rourke - dentist extraordinaire, reluctant New Yorker, avowed atheist, and a connoisseur of the afternoon mochaccino - is a man out of touch with modern life. While his dental practice occupies his days, his nights are filled with darker thoughts,…

Dodacia doba
11,95 €
Vstát znovu se slepicemi
Joshua Ferris

Paul O’Rourke má slušnou zubařskou praxi a k ní ještě slušnější krizi středního věku. Anebo, řečeno jednodušeji, neví, co sám se sebou: nesnáší stroje a přístroje, ale miluje svůj iPhone; zuřivě fandí Red Sox, ale každé jejich vítězství mu způsobí depresi;…

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16,44 €