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Kinfolk Journeys
John Burns

The final volume in the Kinfolk travel trilogy (following Kinfolk Islands and Kinfolk Wilderness) invites readers along on eighteen of the most unforgettable trips around the world, full of sustainable and sustaining ways to slow down and see the world…

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49,95 €
Kinfolk Wilderness
John Burns

Discover the joy of the great outdoors and the pleasures of slow travel with Kinfolk Wilderness. Whatever your pace or purpose, the stories within will provide you with a fresh perspective on what it means to be 'outdoorsy', whether that means trekking…

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49,95 €
Before Color
Chris Burnside, John Cheim

A few years ago in the archives of the William Eggleston Artistic Trust in Memphis, a box was found containing Egglestons earliest photography remarkably in black and white. The photos were subsequently exhibited at Cheim & Read gallery in New…

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60,00 €
The Dumb House
John Burnside

As a child, Luke's mother often tells him the story of the Dumb House, an experiment on newborn babies raised in silence, designed to test the innateness of language.

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11,95 €
Still Life with Feeding Snake
John Burnside

From our earliest childhood experiences, we learn to see the world as contested space: a battleground between received ideas, entrenched conventions and myriad Authorised Versions on the one hand, and new discoveries, terrible dangers, and everyday miracl

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13,50 €
The Kinfolk Garden : How to Live with Nature
John Burns

The next book in the highly successful Kinfolk series, The Kinfolk Garden invites readers inside 30 spaces that blur the lines between indoors and out, from jungle-like rooftops to sprawling backyards.

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41,95 €
The Kinfolk Travel
John Burns

Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in "slow living," their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to…

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41,95 €
Kinfolk Islands
John Burns

Join Kinfolk on a journey off the beaten track, to islands big and small, in this collection of eighteen new travel stories. Whether it's a tour of the otherworldly landscape of Socotra in Yemen or a hike into the old growth of a Japanese forest on Yakushima,…

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46,50 €
The Music of Time
John Burnside

A Financial Times Book of the YearThough we might not realise it, our collective memory of the twentieth century was defined by the poets who lived and wrote in it. At every significant turning point we find them, pen in hand, fingers poised at the typewriter,…

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16,95 €
Skroť svoje nepokojné srdce - 10 dní osobnej duchovnej obnovy so svätým Františkom Saleským
John Burns

Dielo Františka Saleského Návod na nábožný život už vyše štyristo rokov slúži ako príručka na živšie a autentickejšie kráčanie v Ježišových šľapajach. Otec Burns mu teraz v knihe Skroť svoje nepokojné srdce dáva nový šat. Zrozumiteľným a pritom moderným…

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8,90 €