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Zabudnutý list. Tajná láska. Rozsiahle panstvo. Dokáže jedna odhodlaná žena spojiť kúsky dávneho príbehu lásky? Najväčším snom Willy Duvallovej je stať sa lekárkou. Spolu so svojím otcom, od ktorého získala medicínske vedomosti, túžia založiť najmodernejšiu…
PÁTER DOLINDO RUOTOLO hovorieval, že „modlitba má neporovnateľnú silu,“ ktorá „vplýva na ducha i hmotu, na ľudí i na Boha,“ preto je omnoho „účinnejšia než akékoľvek iné prostriedky, hoc aj najväčšie“. Jeho hlboký, osobný vzťah s Bohom, ktorého nazýval…
An illustrated biography of the remarkable and pioneering artist Leonora Carrington, told through the houses and locations that had meaning for her and are fundamental to an understanding of her work. An evocative visual chronicle on the life of Leonora…
Autorky několik desítek let vyučují rodiče, pedagogy a další dospělé, kteří žijí či pracují s dětmi, jak překonat ty nejtěžší chvilky – každodenní momenty, při nichž byste si nejraději rvali vlasy –, aniž by ztratili ze zřetele širší perspektivu. V první…
A colourful, fact-filled introduction to the world of birds. Where are all those swallows going? Let's join them on their long journey south and learn about the world of birds along the way. Swoop in on a tawny owl, soar with a golden eagle and discover…
Discover the lives of the ancient Romans, pieced together from inscriptions, discarded letters, biographies and myth over two thousand years of history. The Roman empire witnessed a huge diversity of human experience over its history. At its pinnacle,…
Small children are often asked to choose between a gendered binary - 'boy' or 'girl', 'pink' or 'blue'. This colourful picture book smashes these stereotypes and encourages the reader to follow their own way!"Girl or Boy?" What brings you joy?…
Lonely Planet's Portugal is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Spend an evening in one of Lisbon's many fado houses, discover stunning…
Join trick-or-treating unicorns in this super fun board book, with touch-and-feel on every spread! Halloween has arrived and these unicorns can't wait to celebrate! KANGAROO-nicorns, TUTU-nicorns, CHOO-CHOO-nicorns and more put on their favourite costumes…
Following the success of "The French Kitchen", Joanne Harris and Fran Warde have collaborated once more to write a French cookbook with a difference. This time they have taken their inspiration from the rural markets of Gascony. Tomatoes as…
A new year has just begun, and for the staff and boys of the school, a wind of unwelcome change is blowing. Suits, paperwork and Information Technology rule the world and Roy Straitley, Latin master, eccentric, and veteran of St Oswald's, is reluctantly…
Joanna Trollope’s much-anticipated contemporary reworking of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility will launch The Austen Project and be one of the most talked about books of 2013. ‘It’s hugely exciting to attempt the reworking of one of the best novels…
With his notorious reputation for trickery and deception, and an ability to cause as many problems as he solves, Loki is a Norse god like no other. Demon-born, he is viewed with deepest suspicion by his fellow gods who will never accept him as one of…
Home for Now provides styling and DIY advice on creating a beautiful home, whether you are making over or making do. More people are renting now than ever before, but the rental market remains surprisingly unflexible, with many tenants banned from making…
Practical as well as pretty, these simple, stylish projects really will inspire you to make your life a little easier and a little brighter. Like many working mothers, Joanna knows that life is busy and finding time to be creative often ends up at the…
The Amazing Creative Colouring Book is packed with colouring and activities in beautiful geometric patterns. This complex and beautiful colouring book in which both boys and girls can immerse themselves, features kaleidoscopic designs and geometric shapes…
Beneath the original Venetian glass and rosewood case at La Specola in Florence lies Clemente Susini's Anatomical Venus (c. 1790), a perfect object whose luxuriously bizarre existence challenges belief. This title reveals the evolution of the enigmatic…
Have your Doctor Who and eat it too with this out-of-this-world cookbook featuring fun, imaginative recipes for the whole family, based on the wildly popular BBC series Doctor Who. The perfect addition to every Doctor Who fan s shelf, Doctor Who: The…
Showcasing inspiring homes around the world, the book reflects our growing passion for crafting, stitching and painting. These are homes packed with personality and interest, full of homemade pieces, restored junk-shop finds and one-off treasures. Interiors…
A comprehensive guide to designing, decorating and furnishing your home.
From one of the most important chroniclers of our time, come two extended excerpts from her never-before-seen notebooks–writings that offer an illuminating glimpse into the mind and process of a legendary writer. Joan Didion has always kept notebooks:…
Four Friends. One City. City of Friends is the twentieth novel from the bestselling author, Joanna Trollope
A comprehensive guide to the Finnish attitude of courage and determination in the face of adversity.
Jesus Christ is arguably the most famous man who ever lived. His image adorns countless churches, icons, and paintings. He is the subject of millions of statues, sculptures, devotional objects and works of art.Everyone can conjure an image of Jesus:…