Autor Jeffrey Archer

An Eye for an Eye
Jeffrey Archer

In one of the most luxurious cities on earth… A billion-dollar deal is about to go badly wrong. A lavish night out is about to end in murder. And the British government is about to be plunged into crisis.In the heart of the British establishment… Lord…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
An Eye for an Eye
Jeffrey Archer

The unputdownable new novel from international bestseller Jeffrey Archer. The limited special Collector's Edition features gold foil design underneath the dust jacket and is exclusive to the first print run. Pre-order now to avoid missing out.UK only.…

Dodacia doba
28,95 €
A zrodí se hrdina
Jeffrey Archer

ŠESTÝ DÍL VELKOLEPÉ RODINNÉ SÁGY OD BESTSELLEROVÉHO AUTORA JEFFREYHO ARCHERA... ***** Sebastian Clifton nově působí jako generální ředitel banky Farthings. Jeho osobní život se však hroutí, když se zamiluje do krásné indické dívky Priyi. Rodiče jí totiž…

Dodacia doba
27,44 €
Mocnější než meč
Jeffrey Archer

PÁTÝ DÍL RODINNÉ SÁGY OD BRITSKÉHO BESTSELLERISTY JEFFREYHO ARCHERA PŘINÁŠÍ NOVÉ ZKOUŠKY I NEČEKANÁ ODHALENÍ... ***** Poté, co je Harry Clifton zvolen novým prezidentem anglického PEN klubu, okamžitě zahajuje kampaň za propuštění kolegy Anatolije Babakova.…

Dodacia doba
27,44 €
Traitors Gate
Jeffrey Archer

24 hours to stop the crime of the century The race against time is about to begin… THE TOWER OF LONDON… Impenetrable. Well protected. Secure.Home to the most valuable jewels on earth. But once a year, the Metropolitan Police must execute the most secret…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Příliš odvážné přání
Jeffrey Archer

ČTVRTÝ DÍL VELKOLEPÉ RODINNÉ SÁGY OD BRITSKÉHO BESTSELLERISTY JEFFREYHO ARCHERA... ***** Harry Clifton a jeho žena Emma spěchají do nemocnice. Jejich syn Sebastian se stal účastníkem autonehody, která si vyžádala oběť na životě. Kdo ale zemřel? Sebastian,…

Dodacia doba
24,70 €
Traitors Gate
Jeffrey Archer

24 hours to stop the crime of the century The race against time is about to begin... THE TOWER OF LONDON... Impenetrable.Well protected. Secure. Home to the most valuable jewels on earth.But once a year, the Metropolitan Police must execute the most…

Dodacia doba
28,95 €
Přísně střežené tajemství
Jeffrey Archer

ČASY SE MĚNÍ, OSUDY DVOU RODIN ALE ZŮSTÁVAJÍ SPOJENÉ NAVŽDY… Píše se rok 1945 a Sněmovna lordů hlasuje o tom, kdo zdědí rodinné bohatství Barringtonů. A rozhodující hlas lorda kancléře zamíchá kartami jak Harryho Cliftona, tak Gilese Barringtona. Harry…

Dodacia doba
24,69 €
Next in Line
Jeffrey Archer

International bestseller Jeffrey Archer returns THE UNPUTDOWNABLE NEW THRILLER FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER 'Only someone like Jeffrey Archer . . .could have written a compelling story like this. Every page bristles with suspense and the ending comes…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Gospel According to Judas
Jeffrey Archer

The Pope recently referred to the continuing ‘mystery of Judas’. This intriguing book – the result of an intense collaboration between one of the world’s most popular storytellers and one of the world’s leading biblical scholars – throws a new light…

Dodacia doba
16,56 €
Paths of Glory
Jeffrey Archer

This is the story of a man who loved two women, and one of them killed him.Some people have dreams that are so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. Francis Drake, Robert Scott, Percy Fawcett, Charles…

Dodacia doba
8,95 €
Sins of the Father
Jeffrey Archer

The master storyteller continues the Clifton saga with this, the second volume. New York, 1939. Tom Bradshaw is arrested for first degree murder. He stands accused of killing his brother. When Sefton Jelks, a top Manhattan lawyer, offers his services…

Dodacia doba
9,50 €
Be Careful What You Wish For
Jeffrey Archer

Be Careful What You Wish For opens with Harry Clifton and his wife Emma rushing to hospital to learn the fate of their son Sebastian, who has been involved in a fatal car accident. But who died, Sebastian or his best friend Bruno? When Ross…

Dodacia doba
21,50 €
Cometh the Hour
Jeffrey Archer

Cometh the Hour opens with the reading of a suicide note, which has devastating consequences for Harry and Emma Clifton, Giles Barrington and Lady Virginia. Giles must decide if he should withdraw from politics and try to rescue Karin, the woman he loves,…

Dodacia doba
27,95 €
Cometh the Hour
Jeffrey Archer

Cometh the Hour opens with the reading of a suicide note, which has devastating consequences for Harry and Emma Clifton, Giles Barrington and Lady Virginia. Giles must decide if he should withdraw from politics and try to rescue Karin, the woman he loves,…

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
This Was a Man
Jeffrey Archer

This Was a Man is the captivating final instalment of the Clifton Chronicles, a series of seven novels that has topped the bestseller lists around the world, and enhanced Jeffrey Archer's reputation as a master storyteller. This Was a Man opens with…

Dodacia doba
27,95 €
Kane and Abel
Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Archer's multi-million copy bestselling classic novel.

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
The Prodigal Daughter
Jeffrey Archer

The sequel to Jeffrey Archer's multi-million copy bestselling classic novel, Kane and Abel.

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
And Thereby Hangs A Tale
Jeffrey Archer

Short storytelling of the highest calibre from worldwide bestseller Jeffrey Archer.

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Nothing Ventured
Jeffrey Archer

Nothing Ventured starts the William Warwick Novels, from Jeffrey Archer, the number one bestselling author of The Clifton Chronicles: telling the story of the life of William Warwick - as a family man and a detective who must battle against a powerful…

Dodacia doba
24,95 €
Nothing Ventured
Jeffrey Archer

&i>Nothing Ventured &/i>is the start of a brand new series, from Jeffrey Archer, the number one bestselling author of The Clifton Chronicles: telling the story of the life of William Warwick as a family man and a detective who must battle…

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
Best Kept Secret
Jeffrey Archer

Best Kept Secret is the third spellbinding novel in the epic Clifton Chronicles series, from master storyteller Jeffrey Archer.

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Hidden in Plain Sight
Jeffrey Archer

Hidden in Plain Sight is the second brilliant and captivating novel featuring William Warwick by the master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles, Jeffrey Archer. Newly promoted, Detective Sergeant William Warwick has been reassigned…

Dodacia doba
19,95 €
The Short, The Long and The Tall
Jeffrey Archer

International bestseller Jeffrey Archer and acclaimed artist Paul Cox join forces to create a beautifully sumptuous illustrated book featuring twenty of Jeffrey's most popular and feted short stories alongside fantastically detailed watercolour illustrati

Dodacia doba
48,95 €
Turn a Blind Eye
Jeffrey Archer

From number one bestseller and author of the Clifton Chronicles, Jeffrey Archer, Turn a Blind Eye is the extraordinary third novel featuring William Warwick

Dodacia doba
21,50 €
Over My Dead Body
Jeffrey Archer

THE SIGNATURE EDITION. ORDER NOW TO RECEIVE YOUR STUNNING LIMITED EDITION HARDBACK. *While stocks last. First print run only*An unputdownable story of murder, revenge and betrayal from international number one bestseller Jeffrey A

Dodacia doba
23,95 €
Mightier than the Sword
Jeffrey Archer

Fast-paced and intriguing, Mightier than the Sword is the fifth novel in international bestseller Jeffrey Archer's the Clifton Chronicles moves towards the end of the 1960s as the Cliftons and the Barringtons come up against sworn enemies and new foes.…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Next in Line
Jeffrey Archer

International bestseller Jeffrey Archer returns *Special Collector's Edition with foiled design on the cover board, exclusive to the first print run - pre-order now* THE UNPUTDOWNABLE NEW THRILLER FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER 'Only someone like Jeffrey…

Dodacia doba
27,50 €
Otcovy hříchy
Jeffrey Archer

ODHALÍ HARRY CLIFTON SVOU PRAVOU IDENTITU, ČÍMŽ OHROZÍ ŽENU, KTEROU MILUJE? New York, 1939. Harry Clifton, nyní pod novou identitou jako Tom Bradshaw, je zatčen za vraždu prvního stupně. Když mu špičkový manhattanský právník Sefton Jelks nabídne zdarma…

Dodacia doba
23,59 €
Over My Dead Body
Jeffrey Archer

In London, the Metropolitan Police set up a new Unsolved Murders Unit - a cold case squad - to catch the criminals nobody else can. In Geneva, millionaire art collector Miles Faulkner - convicted of forgery and theft - was pronounced dead two months…

Dodacia doba
10,94 €