Autor J.M. Coetzee

The Pole and Other Stories
J.M. Coetzee

In this beautifully written and compulsively readable story of love and the mutability of human relationships, pianist Witold's infatuation with Beatriz will change them both. A Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph and Financial Times Book of the Year‘Confirms…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
J.M. Coetzee

After years teaching Romantic poetry in Cape Town, David Lurie has an impulsive affair with a student. The affair sours; he is denounced and summoned before a committee of inquiry. Willing to admit his guilt, but refusing to yield to pressure to repent…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
The Pole and Other Stories
J.M. Coetzee

The Pole tells the story of Wittold Walccyzkiecz, a vigorous, white-haired pianist who becomes infatuated with Beatriz, a stylish patron of the arts, after she helps organize his Barcelona concert.Although Beatriz, who is married, is initially unimpressed…

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17,95 €
Ježišovo detstvo
J. M. Coetzee

David je malý chlapec, ktorý pricestoval na lodi cez oceán do novej krajiny. Bol oddelený od svojich rodičov a stratil drahocenný kúsok papiera, ktorý by vysvetlil jeho pôvod aj cieľ. Na lodi sa ho ujme muž menom Simón. Po príchode dostanú nové mená,…

Dodacia doba
8,90 €
J.M. Coetzee

After years teaching Romantic poetry at the Technical University of Cape Town, David Lurie, middle-aged and twice divorced, has an impulsive affair with a student. The affair sours; he is denounced and summoned before a committee of inquiry. Willing…

Dodacia doba
7,95 €
The Schooldays of Jesus
J. M. Coetzee

LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2016Selected as a Book of the Year 2016 in the Observer and Daily TelegraphWhen you travel across the ocean on a boat, all your memories are washed away and you start a completely new life.

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Age of Iron
J. M. Coetzee

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
The Childhood of Jesus
J.M. Coetzee

From the double Booker Prize-winning author of Disgrace, 'a moving story of lost childhood' (Sunday Telegraph). After crossing oceans, a man and a boy - both strangers to each other - arrive in a new land.

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
The Death of Jesus
J.M. Coetzee

Brilliant' Evening StandardSimon and David - a tall ten-year-old - are in a new land, together with a woman named Ines.

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
The Schooldays of Jesus
J. M. Coetzee

From the double Booker Prize-winning author of Disgrace, an astonishing novel of new beginnings and the troubles of youth. 'Brilliant...

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
J.M. Coetzee

A young English biographer is working on a book about the late writer, John Coetzee. He plans to focus on a period in the seventies when, the biographer senses, Coetzee was 'finding his feet as a writer'. He embarks on a series of interviews with people…

Dodacia doba
12,50 €
Schooldays Of Jesus
John Maxwell Coetzee

The curiously contrived family of Simon, Ines and David resettle in the city of Estrella, after being forced to flee their previous home in Novilla following a dispute with the education authorities. There they seek to continue the schooling of the headst

Dodacia doba
21,94 €
The Good Story
John Maxwell Coetzee

Presents an exchange between a writer with a longstanding interest in moral psychology and a psychotherapist with a training in literary studies. In this book, they consider psychotherapy and its wider social context from different perspectives, but…

Dodacia doba
16,44 €
The Master of Petersburg
John Maxwell Coetzee

WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 2003 In The Master of Petersburg J. M. Coetzee dares to imagine the life of Dostoevsky. Set in 1869, when Dostoevsky was summoned from Germany to St Petersburg by the sudden death of his stepson, this novel is…

Dodacia doba
14,14 €
Boyhood : A Memoir
John Maxwell Coetzee

A first volume of memoirs, revisiting the South Africa of half a century ago, of a boy growing up in a small country town with a father he could not respect and a mother he adored. Coetzee evokes the tensions, delights and terrors of childhood, in a…

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14,24 €
Čekání na barbary
J. M. Coetzee

Román od držitele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu. Jaká je hranice mezi lidstvím a barbarstvím? Desítky let byl soudce loajálním úředníkem impéria, staral se o záležitosti malé osady na hranicích a nevěnoval pozornost blížící se válce s barbary. Nicméně…

Dodacia doba
2,64 €
Chlapectví - Nelehké dospívání mladého muže v dusné atmosféře Jižní Afriky...
John Maxwell Coetzee

Mistrovská současná próza Chlapectví působivě vypráví o životě třináctiletého mladíka, souženého pocitem provinění a strachem. Odmítá otce, necítí k němu nejmenší úctu, a trpí výchovou matky, jež ho současně zbožňuje i nesnáší. Chlapec, vyrůstající poblíž…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
Ďabiel DeFOE
John Maxwell Coetzee

Jsme trosečníky na pustém ostrově, nebo jen ve svém nitru…? Od autora románů Pomalý muž, Chlapectví, Mládí, Deník špatného roku, V srdci země a dalších. Na opuštěný ostrov vyplaví vlny polomrtvou trosečnici. A vzápětí se ukáže, že ostrov není tak pustý,…

Dodacia doba
2,69 €
Doba železná
John Maxwell Coetzee

V Kapském městě v Jihoafrické republice umírá stará žena na rakovinu. Bývalá univerzitní profesorka, která přednášela klasickou filozofii, celý život vzdorovala lžím a krutosti apartheidu, ale žila stranou jeho skutečných hrůz. Teď je najednou nucena…

Dodacia doba
13,70 €
The Childhood of Jesus
John Maxwell Coetzee

After crossing oceans, a man and a boy – both strangers to each other – arrive in a new land. David, the boy, has lost his mother and Simón vows to look after him. In this strange new country they are assigned a new name, a new birthday, a new life.…

Dodacia doba
13,14 €
The Confusions of Young Torless
John Maxwell Coetzee

At a bleak, isolated military school on the fringes of the Austro- Hungarian Empire, four young cadets - Torless, Beineberg, Reiting and their victim Basini - drift even further away from their school- fellows into a private world of ritual, secrecy…

Dodacia doba
21,84 €
The Good Story - Exchanges on Truth, Fiction and Psychotherapy
J.M., Arabella Kurtz, Coetzee

A fascinating dialogue on the human inclination to make up stories between a Nobel Prize-winning writer and a psychotherapist. Arabella Kurtz and J. M. Coetzee consider psychotherapy and its wider social context from different perspectives, but at the…

Dodacia doba
24,69 €