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The definitive award-winning biography of Cristiano Ronaldo - fully updated to include the 2022 World Cup, Ronaldo's explosive exit from Manchester United and his record-breaking transfer to Al-NassrAs the Qatar World Cup opened to worldwide jubilation,…
The definitive biography of Cristiano Ronaldo, named Football Book of the Year at the Cross Sports Book Awards 2016Fully updated to include the 2017-18 season and Ronaldo's transfer to JuventusCristiano Ronaldo is one of the greatest footballers of all…
Barça je známa po celom svete vďaka svojim legendárnym hráčom, vznešenej futbalovej filozofii a tým, že Barça je més que un club – viac než len klub. Zachytávajúc viac ako storočné dedičstvo opisuje táto ofi ciálna kniha históriu a triumfy tejto celosvetovo…
Barçu ve světě proslavili legendární hráči, kouzelná fotbalová filozofie a to, že je més que un club – víc než klub. Tato oficiální publikace zachycuje stoletý odkaz klubu, zaznamenává historii a triumfy této celosvětově proslulé sportovní instituce.
WINNER OF FOOTBALL BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE CROSS SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 2016 CRISTIANO RONALDO is one of the greatest footballers of all time, yet for all his success on the pitch he has often been a controversial and divisive figure off it. It was clear…
WINNER OF FOOTBALL BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE CROSS SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 2016 CRISTIANO RONALDO is one of the greatest footballers of all time, yet for all his success on the pitch he has often been a controversial and divisive figure off it. It was clear…
The story of one of the greatest footballers of all time, Barcelona and Argentina's Lionel Messi. 'I have seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentine football and his name is Messi' Diego Maradona Despite all the fame and adulation, remarkably…
Kariéra argentinského rodáka Lionela Messiho měla hvězdný začátek a dosud nevykazuje žádné známky zpomalení. Debutoval v sezoně 2004–2005 a hned překonal rekord katalánského týmu FC Barcelona pro nejmladšího fotbalistu, který vstřelil gól v lize. Pro…