Autor Frederic Gros

A Philosophy of Walking
Frederic Gros

By walking, you escape from the very idea of identity, the temptation to be someone, to have a name and a history ... The freedom in walking lies in not being anyone; for the walking body has no history, it is just an eddy in the stream of immemorial…

Dodacia doba
23,50 €
A Philosophy of Walking
Frederic Gros

It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth. - NietzscheBy walking, you escape from the very idea of identity, the temptation to be someone, to have a name and a history ... The freedom in walking lies in not being anyone; for the walking…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Filozofia chôdze
Frédéric Gros

Kniha Filozofia chôdze francúzskeho filozofa Frédérica Grosa, profesora politickej filozofie na Univerzite Paríž XII, je bestsellerom na knižnom trhu. Ide o filozofickú knihu písanú ľahkým esejistickým perom, prístupnú aj bežnému čitateľovi. Predajnosť…

Dodacia doba
13,50 €