Autor Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Veľký Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Veľký Gatsby je najslávnejším románom F. S. Fitzgeralda. Dej príbehu je situovaný do 20. rokov 20. storočia, z obdobia prohibície a tzv. džezového veku v USA. Mladý zbohatlík James Gatz, prezývaný aj Veľký Gatsby, a krásna Daisy Buchananová prenikli…

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13,95 €
12,70 €
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. Glamour. Opulence.Excess. This is the world Jay Gatsby has created for himself, in hopes that he will one day capture the eye of Daisy Buchanan.…

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21,95 €
Tender is the Night
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Written by the greatest chronicler of the Jazz Age, Tender Is the Night examines the lives of a circle of American expatriates on the Cote d'Azur. Fitzgerald's fourth novel, it is a cool dissection of glamour, wealth, addiction, mental instability and…

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10,95 €
Velký Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Vrcholné dílo z dob největšího flámu v dějinách USA, který Francis Scott Fitzgerald označil za „jazzový věk“ a sám do něj vydatně přispěl mnoha soukromými improvizacemi a pocity „ztracené generace“, přináší milostný příběh z lepší společnosti. Selfmademan…

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16,39 €
Velký Gatsby - grafický román
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Mladý milionář Jay Gatsby pořádá na vrcholu jazzového věku ve dvacátých letech dvacátého století ve svém sídle na Long Islandu nákladné večírky, ale jeho pravá osobnost zůstává tajemstvím dokonce i pro jeho souseda Nicka Carrawaye. Gatsbyho minulost…

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27,45 €
Podivuhodný příběh BENJAMINA BUTTONA
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Po dokončení „Podivuhodného příběhu Benjamina Buttona“ v roce 1922 jej F. Scott Fitzgerald označil za „nejzábavnější povídku, jaká byla kdy sepsána“ a za „jeden ze svých dvou nejoblíbenějších příběhů“. Je to zvláštní případ muže, který se „narodí“ jako…

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1,59 €
Diamant velký jako Ritz / The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Bilingvilní vydání prózy známého autora pro pokročilé zájemce o angličtinu.

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10,89 €
Velký Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Velký Gatsby je nejznámějším a nejúspěšnějším románem Francise Scotta Fitzgeralda. Román zasazený do kulis amerického jazzového věku se dočkal nadšeného přijetí u několika čtenářských generací. Příběh pohádkově bohatého Jaye Gatsbyho a jeho nenaplněné…

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8,20 €
Žabci a filozofové
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Kdybyste byli mdlou jižanskou kráskou Sally Carrol, která se v povídce "Ledový palác" vypraví na mrazivý Sever za svým milým, zvolili byste si lásku, nebo teplotu? Kdybyste byli ve společnosti neoblíbenou Berenikou, dokázali byste se své rivalce Marjorii…

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14,25 €
Velký Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Velký Gatsby je nejslavnějším románem Francise Scotta Fitzgeralda. Kniha zachycuje bouřlivá dvacátá léta, "jazzový věk", kdy nečekaná hospodářská prosperita byla vykoupena ztrátou morálních hodnot. Hlavní hrdina, Jay Gatsby, se ve snaze získat dívku…

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13,48 €
Babylon Revisited
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics,…

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13,95 €
Velký Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Velký Gatsby vyšel poprvé roku 1925. Za autorova života nebyl příliš populární, dnes však patří k nejznámějším a nejčtenějším dílům moderní americké literatury a je bezesporu nejpopulárnější z mnoha knih Francise Scotta Fitzgeralda. Krásná Daisy Buchananová…

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16,44 €
Beautiful And Damned
F. Scott Fitzgerald

From Collins Classics and the author of 'The Great Gatsby' comes this razor-sharp satire on the excesses of the Jazz Age.

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3,65 €
Tales Of The Jazz Age
F. Scott Fitzgerald

From Collins Classics, short stories from the author of 'The Great Gatsby' and including 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'.

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3,65 €
Tender Is The Night
F. Scott Fitzgerald

From Collins Classics and the author of 'The Great Gatsby' a marriage unravels in this autobiographical tale.

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3,65 €
Great Gatsby
F Scott Fitzgerald

Everybody who is anybody is seen at the glittering parties held in Jay Gatsby's mansion in West Egg, east of New York. The riotous throng congregates in his sumptuous garden, coolly debating Gatsby's origins and mysterious past. None of the frivolous…

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11,50 €
This Side of Paradise
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Presents the story of a young man's painful sexual and intellectual awakening that echoes Fitzgerald's own career.

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17,95 €
The Beautiful and Damned
F Scott Fitzgerald

Anthony and Gloria are the essence of Jazz Age glamour. A brilliant and magnetic couple, they fling themselves at life with an energy that is thrilling. But as money becomes tight, their marriage becomes impossible. And with their inheritance still distan

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17,95 €
Tender is the Night
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash, the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary…

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17,95 €
ID Die For You: And Other Stories
F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'd Die for You is a collection of the last remaining unpublished short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the iconic author of The Great Gatsby and Tender Is the Night. It comprises sixteen finished stories and one partial short fiction, which provides…

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16,95 €
Flappers and Philosophers
F. Scott Fitzgerald

A collection of stories such as: "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz", a fairy tale of unlimited wealth; the sad and hilarious stories of Hollywood hack Pat Hobby; and, "The Lost Decade".

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19,50 €
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

For Jay Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing for the one thing that will always…

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19,50 €
Tender is the Night
F. Scott Fitzgerald

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9,95 €
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

'It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life'Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach ... Everybody who is anybody is…

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10,50 €
ID Die For You: And Other Lost Stories
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Bold, fascinating and hitherto unseen: this beautiful Scribner collection brings together unpublished short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the icon of twentieth-century American literature.

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10,95 €
The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

The twentieth-century masterpiece, the authoritative new edition.

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13,95 €
The Last Tycoon
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Caught in the crossfire of his own effortless cynicism and his silent, secret vulnerability, Stahr inhabits a world dominated by business, alcohol and promiscuity. If there is a moral or social necessity to film-making in this West Coast never-never…

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17,95 €
Penguin Reader Level 3: The Great Gatsby
F Scott Fitzgerald

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8,95 €
Parties: Vintage Minis
F. Scott Fitzgerald

'I want to give a really bad party. I mean it. I want to give a party where there's a brawl and seductions and people going home with their feelings hurt and women passed out in the cabinet de toilette.You wait and see.'The crackle of gin on ice, the…

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6,95 €
The Great Gatsby: V&A Collectors Edition
F. Scott Fitzgerald

This beautiful hardback edition is a special Puffin Classic created in partnership with the world-famous V & A Museum, and has a stunning cover design inspired by the iconic fashion featured in the book. Young, handsome and fabulously rich, Jay…

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12,95 €