Autor Eric Barker
From the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Barking Up the Wrong Tree comes a cure-all for our increasing emotional distance and loneliness-a smart, surprising, and thoroughly entertaining guide to help build better friendships, reignite love,…
Much of the advice we've been told about achievement is logical, earnest...and downright wrong. In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker reveals the extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and most importantly, how anyone can achieve…
Všetky rady, ktoré ste doteraz počuli o tom, ako uspieť, znejú logicky, úprimne… a pravdepodobne sú úplne nanič. V čom vlastne spočíva úspech? Zaručí vám to, že budete odmalička poslúchať rodičov, dodržiavať školský poriadok, mať samé jednotky a promovať…