Autor Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka
Pre Fitza to mal byť ten najnudnejší týždeň v živote. Mama ho vyslala na exkurziu po vysokých školách, na ktoré aj tak nechce ísť. Do plánov mu však vtrhne očarujúca a neskrotná Juniper, ktorá počíta dni, kým vypadne na výšku. Napriek svojim odlišnostiam…
Riley Wynn went from a promising singer-songwriter to a superstar overnight, thanks to her breakup song concept album and its unforgettable lead single. When Riley's ex-husband claims the hit song is about him, she does something she hasn't in ten years…
Sometimes the best stories start with The Roughest Draft.... 'This novel is that rare piece of writing that needs no editing, haunts your sleep, and leaves you wishing it was longer when you turn the last page.' - Jodi Picoult, author of Wish You Were…
'Honest to the bone, refreshing, and . . .deliciously surprising' - Jodi PicoultAfter five years' marriage they're about to have their first date . . .Eliza and Graham's marriage is quietly failing. With their five-year anniversary approaching, neither…
A contemporary Shakespeare-inspired YA from a fantastic new author couple! What's it like to play the understudy in your own love story?
Meganine vzťahy sú vždy rovnaké – zamiluje sa do dokonalého chalana a... ten sa buchne do inej. Radšej sa teda sústredí na režírovanie školskej divadelnej hry. Napriek svojej nechuti si v nej musí zahrať rolu, aby sa dostala na vysnenú výšku. Presne…