Autor Eleanor Hodgman-Porterová
Po zotavení z autonehody, ktorá ju dočasne pripútala na lôžko, sa Pollyanna s radosťou vydáva do Bostonu povzbudiť nových priateľov svojou „hrou na radosť“ a potom spolu s tetou Polly a doktorom Chiltonom cestuje do Európy. Postupne sa z nej stáva rozvážna…
Pollyanna – bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stane, hrá svoju "hru radosti" a nachádza svetlú stránku každej situácie. Hlavnou postavou románu je sirota Pollyanna, ktorej sa po smrti rodičov neochotne ujíma jej prísna a zatrpknutá teta. Ihneď po svojom príchode…
THE COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED TEXT 'Most generally there is something about everything that you can be glad about, if you keep hunting long enough to find it' When her father dies, Pollyanna is sent to live with her stern Aunt Polly. She is poor, orphaned…
When Pollyanna Whittier goes to live with her sourtempered aunt after her father's death, things seem bad enough, but then a dreadful accident ensues. However, Pollyanna's sunny nature and good humour prove to have an astonishing effect on all around…
Pollyanna comes to live with her Aunt Polly. Pollyanna always looks for the good in life and she helps her new friends to be happy again, but not her aunt! Will Aunt Polly learn to be happy? Pollyanna is eleven when she comes to live with her Aunt Polly,…