Autor ?

E.M. Forster

An astonishingly frank and deeply autobiographical account of homosexual relationships in an era when love between men was not only stigmatised, but also illegal, E.M. Forster's Maurice is edited by P.N. Furbank with an introduction by David Leavitt…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
The Life to Come
E.M. Forster

A searing collection of E. M. Forster’s short stories about forbidden sexuality and desire‘Madness, isn’t it? What can it matter to anyone else if you and I don’t mind?’Exploratory, experimental and pioneering, the short stories collected in this volume…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
The Machine Stops and Other Stories
E M Forster

A new selection of E. M. Forster's exquisite short stories, now in the beautifully designed Penguin English Library Series'We created the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now.It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the…

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
A Room with a View
E M Forster

A sunny, brilliantly witty comedy of manners, this edition of A Room with a View is part of the Penguin Essentials collection and features beautiful cover art by Chris Silas Neal'You love the boy body and soul, plainly, directly, as he loves you . .…

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12,95 €
Nové Rochlovy stavební tabulky 6
Jolana Slavíčková, Zdeněk Forster, Vlastimil Ehrman

První vydání dalšího dílu známých stavebních tabulek obsahuje: - Venkovní kanalizace a odvodnění - Studny a vodárny - Prvky podzemních sítí - Povrchy venkovních pochozích a pojezdových ploch - Prvky zahradní a dopravní architektury - Oplocení pozemků…

Dodacia doba
14,61 €
Historia litteraria v českých zemích od 17. do počátku 19. století
Josef Förster, Ondřej Podavka, Martin Svatoš

Kniha pojednává o vývoji a proměnách konceptu historia litteraria (dějiny vzdělanosti, Gelehrtengeschichte) v českých zemích a jeho představitelích „od Balbína k Cerronimu“. Za jeho počátek se považuje vymezení Francise Bacona, který roku 1605 navrhl…

Dodacia doba
11,28 €
A Passage to India
E.M. Forster

'His great book ... masterly in its prescience and its lucidity' ANITA DESAI A compelling portrait of a society in the grip of imperialism, A Passage to India depicts the fate of individuals caught in the great political and cultural conflicts of their…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
A Room with a View
E. M. Forster

Visiting Florence with her cousin Charlotte as a chaperone, Lucy Honeychurch meets the unconventional, lower-class Mr Emerson and his son, George. Upon her return to England, Lucy becomes engaged to the supercilious Cecil Vyse, but she finds herself…

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15,24 €
Howards End
E. M. Forster, E.M. Forster

The rich Wilcoxes, the gentle, idealistic Schlegels and the lower-middle class Basts. As the Schlegel sisters try desperately to help the Basts and educate the close-minded Wilcoxes, the families are drawn together in love, lies and death.

Dodacia doba
10,95 €
E.M. Forster

Maurice je jedním z prvních otevřeně homosexuálních románů. V době kdy byl napsán (1913-4) bylo jeho uveřejnění z pochopitelných důvodů vyloučeno a vyšel tak až po autorově smrti v roce 1971. Přestože jde o příběh odehrávající se před téměř sto lety,…

Dodacia doba
13,40 €
Passage to India
E. M. Forster

When Adela Quested and her elderly companion Mrs Moore arrive in the Indian town of Chandrapore, they quickly feel trapped by its insular and prejudiced 'Anglo-Indian' community. Determined to escape the parochial English enclave and explore the 'real…

Dodacia doba
21,94 €
Room with a View
E. M. Forster

Lucy has her rigid, middle-class life mapped out for her until she visits Florence with her uptight cousin Charlotte, and finds her neatly ordered existence thrown off balance. Lucy finds herself torn between the intensity of life in Italy and the repress

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
Where Angels Fear to Tread
E. M. Forster

Tells the story of Lilia Herriton, who proves to be an embarrassment to her late husband's family as, in the small Tuscan town of Monteriano, she begins a relationship with a much younger Italian man - classless, uncouth and unsuitable.

Dodacia doba
6,99 €