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The #1 New York Times best-selling story of addiction and a father's love: "A brilliant, harrowing, heartbreaking, fascinating story, full of beautiful moments and hard-won wisdom. This book will save a lot of lives and heal a lot of hearts."Anne…
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23,50 €
Lennon's life in his own words - this is an insightful book showing John as he really was.
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A teenager's addiction from the parent's point of view - a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope.
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V čase tohto veľkého rozhovoru mal John Lennon za sebou už svoje najbúrlivejšie obdobia, pokusy o zmier s ostatnými bývalými členmi skupiny Beatles aj nevšednú rolu „muža v domácnosti“. So svojou povestnou sebaistotou v ňom vyjadruje svoje najzrelšie…
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