Autor Claire M. Andrews
Seventeen-year-old Daphne has spent her entire life honing her body and mind into that of a warrior, hoping to be accepted by the unyielding people of ancient Sparta. But an unexpected encounter with the goddess Artemis-who holds Daphne's brother's fate…
A year after saving the powers of Olympus by defeating Nyx, the Goddess of Darkness, Daphne is haunted by still-looming threats, her complicated feelings for the god Apollo, and the promise she made to the Olympian gods that she would help them again…
Seventeen-year-old Daphne has spent her entire life honing her body and mind into that of a warrior, hoping to be accepted by the unyielding people of ancient Sparta. But an unexpected encounter with the goddess Artemis-who holds Daphne's brother's fate…
Sparta z nej vykovala smrteľnú zbraň. Bohovia teraz chcú, aby zachránila svet! Sedemnásťročná Dafne je bojovníčka telom i dušou, odhodlaná spraviť všetko pre to, aby sa stala rovnocennou v očiach obyvateľov slávnej Sparty, mesta, v ktorom vyrástla a…
Sedmnáctiletá Dafné zasvětila celý svůj dosavadní život tomu, aby se stala bojovnicí tělem i duší a získala si tak uznání nesmlouvavých obyvatel starověké Sparty. Ale nečekané setkání s bohyní Artemidou - která drží v rukou osud Dafnina bratra - převrátí…