Autor Chris Whitaker
Čeho je člověk schopen, aby ochránil svou rodinu? ***** Toto je příběh o dobru a zlu a o tom, že někde mezi nimi žijeme svůj život. ***** Před třiceti lety Vincent King zabil člověka. Po odpykání trestu se vrací do svého rodného městečka Cape Haven v…
What would you do if you knew the world was going to be destroyed by a huge asteroid in one month? With teachers losing control of their students and themselves, and the end rushing toward all of them, it leaves everyone facing the answer to one, simple…
Thirty years ago, Vincent King became a killer. Now, he's been released from prison and is back in his hometown of Cape Haven, California. Not everyone is pleased to see him. Like Star Radley, his ex-girlfriend, and sister of the girl he killed. Duchess…