Autor Chris Bradford
June 1613. Japan is threatened with war and Jack is facing his greatest battle yet. Samurai are taking sides and, as the blood begins to flow, Jack's warrior training is put to ultimate test. His survival - and that of his friends - depends upon him…
Not only is Jack Fletcher struggling to prepare for the "Circle of Three", an ancient ritual that tests a samurai's courage, skill and spirit to limit, he's caught in a running battle with fellow student Kazuki and his gang. But these are the…
August 1611. Jack Fletcher is shipwrecked off the coast of Japan - his beloved father and the crew lie slaughtered by ninja pirates. Rescued by the legendary sword master Masamoto Takeshi, Jack's only hope is to become a samurai warrior. And so his traini
Jack se chce pomstít. Dračí oko chce jeho rutter (lodní navigační deník). Jack se rozhodne využít rutter jako návnadu, aby chytil jednookého nindžu do pasti, ale jeho plán se strašlivě zvrtne ...Žáci Niten Iči Rjú mají mezitim absolvovat "Tři výzvy",…
Ve třetím pokračování této úspěšné série hrozí Japonsku občanská válka. Daimjó Kamakura Katsura je na nejlepší cestě stát se nejvyšším vojenským velitelem Japonska. Je odhodlaný, že mu nic a nikdo nesmí stanout v cestě k moci - ani nenapadnutelný Masamoto…
Jack Fletcher is battling the high seas. Ambushed by the Shogun's samurai, Jack and his friends have only one hope of escape - the Seto Sea. But with ferocious storms, man-eating sharks and ninja pirates at every turn, their chosen route is fraught with…