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Charles C. Mann

Up until very recently it was believed that in 1491, the year before Columbus landed, the Americas, one-third of the earth's surface, were a near-pristine wilderness inhabited by small roaming bands of indigenous people. But recently unexpected discoveries…

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17,95 €
Charles C. Mann

Two hundred million years ago the earth consisted of a single vast continent, Pangea, surrounded by a great planetary sea. Continental drift tore apart Pangaea, and for millennia the hemispheres were separate, evolving almost entirely different suites…

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17,95 €
Prorok a čarodejník - Dvaja priekopnícki vedci a ich protichodné vízie budúcnosti našej planéty
Charles C . Mann

Počet obyvateľov Zeme dosiahne o tridsať rokov desať miliárd. Dokáže naša planéta uživiť toľkých ľudí? Aký svet to bude? Charles C. Mann v tejto jedinečnej, originálnej a dôležitej knihe objasňuje štyri veľké výzvy, ktorým čelíme zabezpečenie potravy,…

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24,90 €